PLM adoption in SMEs context
Authors : Mourad Messaadia (LINEACT), David Baudry (LINEACT), Anne Louis (LINEACT), Sara Mahdikhah (IRISE), Richard Evans (Centre for Innovative Product Development and Manufacturing), James Gao (Centre for Innovative Product Development and Manufacturing), Thierry Paquet (LITIS), M'hammed Sahnoun (LINEACT), Bélahcène Mazari (LINEACT)
Article : Articles dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture - 15/02/2016 - COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN & APPLICATIONS
The increasing market needs and technologies evolution, push companies to develop competitive advantages based on adequate and intensive use of information technology and communication (ICT). However, SMEs do not realize the importance of ICT adoption, which becomes vital for the development, and are not always well equipped to adopt and integrate them to their activities.
The paper focused on issues regarding the ICT adoption, especially PLM solutions by SMEs. By analyzing the PLM definitions and works done, we explored indicators that impact positively or negatively ICT and PLM adoption. This paper proposes a model, currently theoretical, with empirical validation proposal through a survey.