Distinguer les soft skills d’autres construits
On constate aujourd’hui, dans les publications en sciences de la formation, en sciences de gestion, comme dans les rapports d’organisations internationales, un point consensuel : les soft skills sont considérées comme de plus en plus importantes pour l’employabilité des personnes. Mais le syntagme anglais soft skills a des traductions variables, et quelle que soit la […]
Processus de problématisation et mobilisation de la forme « problème » dans les pédagogies des écoles d’ingénieurs : une analyse de cas par les capabilités
Les méthodes de pédagogie active désignent un ensemble de démarches pédagogiques qui cherchent à mettre les apprenants en situation d’être acteurs de leurs apprentissages. Pour cela, elles s’appuient dans leurs modalités de mise en oeuvre sur l’expérience des apprenants et encouragent l’implication par l’investigation, la participation, la réflexion critique, l’appropriation par le faire et la […]
Open innovation pratices and environmental sustainability: a systematic literature review
The concept of sustainability is increasingly recognized as a major imperative in the face of environmental challenges. Although sustainable practices meet government standards, their implementation is hampered by a number of obstacles, such as a lack of knowledge or sustainable technologies. In this context, innovation plays a central role, in particular open innovation, which is […]
A model-driven approach for prospective ergonomics: Application to ikigai robotics
Prospective Ergonomics requires building a vision of the future, which can be achieved empirically (e.g. analysing unmet needs) and/or creatively (e.g. creating future needs). We develop an alternative way of imagining the future, through a model-driven approach. Based on several developmental models, we provide a global picture of possible future(s) emphasising higher-ordered motivations and values […]
Proteus effect: how avatars influence the way we behave
Poster présenté au RJC en IHM 2024 sur le projet de thèse d’Anna Martin Coesel
Requirements engineering and user needs analysis
This chapter aims to provide guiding concepts to understand Requirements Engineering and User Needs Analysis, including methodological insights regarding the process and the object of study: focusing on different kinds of needs, including motivational needs, stimulating innovation, and anticipating future needs at the individual and societal levels. This chapter builds on several previous publications by […]
From social manufacturing and entrepreneurship to social open innovation: Exploring the role of fabrication laboratories
The research aims to shed light on the role of open innovation in addressing social and economic challenges. It focuses on 3D-based fabrication laboratories (fablabs) and attempts to identify the mechanisms through which the latter facilitates the diffusion and promotion of (open) innovations. The findings reveal how fablabs and additive manufacturing (AM) enable the scaling […]
A theoretical review of the Proteus effect: understanding the underlying processes
Humans’ inherent fascination for stories can be observed throughout most of our documented history. If, for a long time, narratives were told through paintings, songs, or literature, recent technological advances such as immersive virtual reality have made it possible for us to interact with storylines and characters in a completely new manner. With these new […]
Meeting the challenges of effective readiness for change in a global context
The aim of this paper is to address the potential impact of perceptions on individual readiness for change. Based on a quantitative survey of 310 executives from Anglo Saxon countries, North and Latin Europe, Arabian countries, and Far East Asian countries, identified via multi stage sampling, we compare the impact of employees’ cultural factors (cultural […]
Unlocking the sources of individual readiness for change: exploring the role of nationality
This paper aims to examine primarily the readiness for change at an individual level. Additionally, this study examines the impact of internal change factors on individual readiness for change as well as their effect across nations.
Uncovering Living Labs’ Activities and Outcomes: Key Insights for Stakeholder Expectations
This article presents a research study on the activities and outcomes of Living Labs, which are collaborative innovation structures that involve various stakeholders in the innovation process. The study aims to provide insights into the practical implementation of Living Labs and their resulting outcomes. The literature review highlights the importance of understanding the activities conducted […]
Fondements théoriques de l’effet Proteus : comment les avatars influencent le comportement des utilisateurs
L’effet Proteus est un phénomène, décrit pour la première fois en 2007, qui illustre la façon dont l’incarnation d’avatars en réalité virtuelle peut moduler l’attitude et le comportement de son utilisateur. Malgré les nombreuses démonstrations de l’effet dans la littérature, attestant de sa validité, notre compréhension des mécanismes cognitifs à l’origine du phénomène reste insuffisante. […]
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