Materials and Processes Integration Theme

Discover the theme : “Materials and Processes Integration”

Theme presentation

Application Areas

  • Construction 4. 0 and sustainable city
  • Industry 5.0

Key Research Questions

  • How does the implementation of biobased and geobased materials influence their properties?
  • How to model the behavior laws of these materials, integrating both experimental data and numerical tools such as AI, FEM, etc.?
  • How to model the degradation mechanisms of these materials to simulate the service life of parts and structures?

Illustrations of Scientific Activity:

Barros S, Casari P, Ribeiro ML. Aging properties of a vegetable-based polyurethane foam under high relative humidity and different temperatures. Polym Eng Sci. 2024;1‐17. doi: 10.1002/pen.26725.

Tazi M.A., Lima R., da Silva E.H., Jebli M., Teixeira De Freitas S., Casari P., de Barros S. Experimental evaluation of interface adhesion of a flax fiber composite patch with epoxy and polyurethane adhesives for the reinforcement of steel structures (2024) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2023.103559.

M.N-E. Hamdadou, F. Bignonnet, W. Deboucha, H. Ranaivomanana, N. Leklou, et al.. Hydration, mechanical and transfer properties of blended cement pastes and mortars prepared with recycled powder or limestone filler. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 78, pp.107541. doi: 10.1016/j.jobe.2023.107541.

M.M. Arouche, S. Teixeira de Freitas & S. de Barros (2021): Evaluation of the strain-based partitioning method for mixed-mode I+II fracture of bi-material cracks, The Journal of Adhesion, DOI: 10.1080/00218464.2021.1981297.

Theme Leader: DE BARROS Silvio


  • ABID Fatma
  • ALAILI Kamal
  • BETTINI William
  • DEBOUCHA Walid
  • GRANGEAT Romain
  • GUIGOT Corentin
  • HARIZ Marwan
  • HODROJ Abbas
  • JEBLI Mouad
  • PENOT Jean-Daniel
  • TEDJDITI Ahmed Kamel
  • TLAIJI Tala

PhD Students

  • HOUHOU Maryam, Étude de l’application des composites à matrice géopolymère dans la fabrication conteneurs de déchets toxiques, 2022
  • TAZI Mohamed-Amine, La réparation des structures en béton par des patchs composites. HESAM Université, 2022
  • ROHEM Ney Robson, L’influence du facteur de forme sur la fatigue des joints collés, 2023
  • PINTO Edvan, L’influence du vieillissement hygroscopique sur le fluage des joints collés, 2023