
Email :

19 allée de la Forêt de la Reine
54500 Villiers-lès-Nancy

Research team

Engineering and Numerical Tools

Educational activities

  • Disciplines : Computer science
  • Levels : Engineers, masters


  • PhD
    Télécom Paris, 2007
  • Engineering degree
    ENIT, 1997

Research interest

  • Speech and emotion processing
  • Green Artificial Intelligence
  • Human-machine interaction
  • Multimodality

Current Research Programs

  • Emotion recognition
  • Large models compression
  • End-to-end speech recognition

Peer-reviewed papers

  • International journals : 9
  • Book chapters : 5
  • International conferences : 18
  • National conference/workshops : 6

Publications sélectionnées

  •  Ian O’Connor, Sara Mannaa, Alberto Bosio and al. (2024) FVLLMONTI: The 3D Neural Network Compute Cube (N2C2) Concept for Efficient Transformer Architectures Towards Speech-to-Speech Translation. 27th Design, Automation and Test Europe Conference (DATE).
  • Cristina Palmero, Mikel deVelasco, Mohamed Amine Hmani, Aymen Mtibaa, Leila Ben Letaifa, et al. (2024) Exploring Emotion Expression Recognition in Older Adults Interacting with a Virtual Coach. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. arXiv:2311.05567
  • Leila Ben Letaifa and Jean-Luc Rouas (2023). Variable Scale Pruning for Transformer Model Compression in End-to-End Speech Recognition. ALGORITHMS. Special Issue: Recent Advances in Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications.
  • Nessrine Farhat, Amine Bohi, Leila Ben Letaifa, Rim Slama (2023). CG-MER: A Card Game-based Multimodal dataset for Emotion Recognition. 16th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICM)
  • Leila Ben Letaifa and Jean-Luc Rouas, “Transformer Model Compression for End-to-end Speech Recognition on Mobile Devices”. 30th European conference on signal processing. EUSIPCO, (2022)
  • Leila Ben Letaifa and Jean-Luc Rouas, « Fine-grained analysis of the transformer model for efficient pruning », 21st International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (2022)
  • Leila Ben Letaifa and Maria Inès Torres, “Perceptual Borderline for Balancing Multi-Class Spontaneous Emotional Data”, Special section on Behavioral Biometrics for Ehealth and Well-being. IEEEAccess (2021)
  • Javier M. Olaso, Alain Vázquez, Leila Ben Letaifa, Aymen Mtibaa, Mohamed Amine Hmani, Dijana Petrovska-Delacrétaz, and al. “The EMPATHIC Virtual Coach: a demo”,  23rd  ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction ICMI, (2021)
  • Midel de Velasco, Raquel Justo, Leila Ben Letaifa and María Inés Torres, “Contrasting the Emotions identified in Spanish TV debates and in Human-Machine Interactions”, Advances in Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages, (2021)
  • Raquel Justo, Leila Ben Letaifa, Cristina Palmero, and al., “Analysis of the Interaction between Elderly People and a Simulated Virtual Coach”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, JAIHC (2020)
  • Raquel Justo, Leila Ben Letaifa, Javier Mikel Olaso, Asier López-Zorrilla, Mikel Develasco, Alain Vázquez and Mria Inés Torres, “A Spanish Corpus for Talking to the Elderly. Conversational Dialogue Systems for the Next Decade”, Springer (2020)
  • Leila Ben Letaifa, Maria Inés Torres and Raquel Justo, “Adding dimensional features for emotion recognition on speech”, IEEE International Conference on advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing ATSIP, (2020)