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Phone number : +33 6 62 44 74 78

8 Bd Louis XIV
5900 LILLE

Research team

Engineering and Numerical Tools

Research themes

  • Production Management in Industry 4.0: Smart, Responsive and Robust Methods
  • Optimization production related processes: Maintenance, Quality, Supply, etc.
  • Control of production systems: Towards safe, adaptive and resilient systems.

Educational activities

  • Disciplines : Industrial Engineering
  • Levels : 1st and 2nd year MEng, Masters degrees


  • PhD in Industrial Engineering
    University of Grenoble Alps, 2012
  • MSc in Optimization and Systems Safety
    University of Technology of Troyes, 2005
  • MEng in Industrial Systems Engineering
    University of Technology of Troyes, 2004

Ongoing research projects

  • RIN AntiHPert Project
  • OPTIMAN project
  • ReCPPS internal project

Supervisions of PhD students

Theses in progress

Candice DESTOUET, “Application of AI techniques to dynamic scheduling problems of “flexible job shop” type workshops in the context of Industry 5.0.”, April 2022 -> March 2025

Nourddine BOUAZIZ, “Predictive dynamic scheduling of flexible production workshops under uncertainty of human behavior”, April 2022 -> March 2025

Theses defended

Merouane MAZAR, “Simulation and optimization of the dynamic management of evolving tasks on autonomous mobile robots”, defended on January 10, 2022.


Summary (2018-2023)

  • Peer-reviewed journal papers: 9
  • International conferences with proceedings: 14


Selected recent publications

Peer reviewed journal articles

[1]     Kader Sanogo, Abdelkader Mekhalef Benhafssa, M’hammed Sahnoun, Belgacem Bettayeb, Moussa Abderrahim, and Abdelghani Bekrar. A multi-agent system simulation based approach for collision avoidance in integrated job-shop scheduling problem with transportation tasks. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 68:209–226, 2023.

[2]     Candice  Destouet,  Houda  Tlahig,  Belgacem  Bettayeb,  and  B´elahc`ene Mazari. Flexible job shop scheduling problem under industry 5.0: A sur- vey on human reintegration, environmental consideration and resilience improvement. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 67:155–173, 2023.

[3]     Bouziane Brik, Mourad Messaadia, M’hammed Sahnoun, Belgacem Bet- tayeb, and Mohamed Amin Benatia. Fog-supported low-latency monitor- ing of system disruptions in industry 4.0: A federated learning approach. ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), 6(2):1–23, 2022.

[4]     Vincent Havard, M’hammed Sahnoun, Belgacem Bettayeb, Fabrice Du- val, and David Baudry. Data architecture and model design for indus- try 4.0 components integration in cyber-physical production systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 235(14):2338–2349, 2021.

[5]     Souleymane Moussa G, Belgacem Bettayeb, M’hammed Sahnoun, Fab- rice Duval, and Abdelaziz Bensrhair. Modular mobile manipulators coalition formation through distributed transportation tasks allocation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 235(14):2262–2272, 2021.

[6]     Merouane Mazar, M’hammed Sahnoun, Belgacem Bettayeb, Nathalie Klement, and Anne Louis. Simulation and optimization of robotic tasks for uv treatment of diseases in horticulture. Operational Research, 2020.

[7]     Oussama Ben-Ammar, Belgacem Bettayeb, and Alexandre Dolgui. Op- timization of multi-period supply planning under stochastic lead times and a dynamic demand. International Journal of Production Economics, 218:106–117, 2019.

[8]     Wenjin Zhu, Bruno Castanier, and Belgacem Bettayeb. A dynamic programming-based maintenance model of offshore wind turbine con- sidering logistic delay and weather condition. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 190:106512, 2019.

[9]     Belgacem Bettayeb, Nadjib Brahimi, and David   Lemoine.  Inte- grated dynamic single item lot-sizing and quality inspection planning. International Journal of Production Research, 56(7):2611–2627, 2018.

Peer reviewed international conferences articles

[1]     Candice  Destouet,  Houda  Tlahig,  Belgacem  Bettayeb,  and  B´elahc`ene Mazari. NSGA-II for solving a multi-objective, sustainable and flexi- ble job shop scheduling problem. In IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, pages 548–562. Springer Nature Switzerland Cham, 2023.

[2]     Mustapha Anwar Brahami, Belgacem Bettayeb, and M’Hammed Sah- noun. Sustainable and flexible hub location problem. In 2023 International Conference On Cyber Management And Engineering (CyMaEn), pages 544–549. IEEE, 2023.

[3]     Merouane Mazar, Belgacem Bettayeb, Nathalie Klement, Mhammed Sahnoun, and Anne Louis. Sim-optimization hybrid approach for scheduling randomly deteriorating treatment tasks in horticulture. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(10):538–543, 2022.

[4]     Belgacem Bettayeb, Oussama Ben-Ammar, and Alexandre Dolgui. Multi-period multi-sourcing supply planning with stochastic lead-times, quantity-dependent pricing, and delivery flexibility costs. In IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, pages 511–518. Springer International Publishing Cham, 2021.

[5]     Lancelot  Martin,   Mario  Gonz´alez-Romo,   M’hammed  Sahnoun,   Bel- gacem Bettayeb, Naihui He, and James Gao. Effect of human-robot interaction on the fleet size of aiv transporters in fms. In 2021 1st International Conference On Cyber Management And Engineering (CyMaEn), pages 1–5. IEEE, 2021.

[6]     Merouane Mazar, Belgacem Bettayeb, Nathalie Klement, M’hammed Sahnoun, and Anne Louis. Multi-agent simulation to predict global behavior of population based on elementary local markovian model. In 2021 1st International Conference On Cyber Management And Engineering (CyMaEn), pages 1–5. IEEE, 2021.

[7]     Antoine Bailly, Houda Tlahig, Belgacem Bettayeb, Mourad Messaadia, and M’hammed Sahnoun. Human’s new roles to ensure resilience of in-dustrial cyber-physical systems. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Industrial Cyberphysical Systems (ICPS), volume 1, pages 453–458. IEEE, 2020.

[8]     Merouane Mazar, Belgacem Bettayeb, Nathalie Klement, M’hammed Sahnoun, and Anne LOUIS. Dynamic scheduling of robotic mildew treatmentby uv-c in horticulture. In SOHOMA 2020, 2020.

[9]     M’hammed Sahnoun, Yiyi Xu, Belgacem Bettayeb, Imen Bouzark- ouna,  David Baudry,  and Anne Louis.   Fractal modeling of cy- ber physical production system using multi-agent systems.  In 2019 International Conference on Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostics (ICAAID), volume 1, pages 1–6. IEEE, 2019.

[10]     Bouziane Brik, Belgacem Bettayeb, M’hammed Sahnoun, and Anne Louis. Accuracy and localization-aware rescheduling for flexible flow shops in industry 4.0. In 2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), pages  1929–1934. IEEE, 2019.

[11]     Lazher Zaidi, Belgacem Bettayeb, and M’hammed Sahnoun. Task allo- cation based on shared resource constraint for multi-robot systems in manufacturing industry. In IFAC MIM 2019, 2019.

[12]     Oussama Ben Ammar, Belgacem Bettayeb, and Alexandre Dolgui. Mathematical model for dynamic suppliers’ selection strategy in multi- period supply planning with lead-times uncertainty. In IFAC MIM 20192019.

[13]    Bouziane Brik, Belgacem Bettayeb, M’hammed Sahnoun, and Fabrice Duval. Towards predicting system disruption  in  industry  4.0: Ma- chine learning-based approach. Procedia computer science, 151:667– 674, 2019.

[14]     Merouane Mazar, M’Hammed Sahnoun, Belgacem Bettayeb, and Nathalie Klement. Optimization of robotized tasks for the uv-c treat- ment of diseases in horticulture. In The 2018 International Conference of the African Federation of Operational Research Societies (AFROS 2018), 2018.