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Campus de Dijon
22 B rue du Cap Vert, 21800 Quetigny

Research team

Engineering and Numerical Tools

Educational activities

  • Disciplines : Computer science, Engineering science.
  • Modalities : Courses, TP, TD, Active learning.
  • Level : Preparatory cycle, 1st and 2nd year engineers
  • Specialities : Algorithms, programming, web development, signal and image processing.


  • PhD in Computer Science at the Computer Science and Systems Lab (LIS)
    Univ. of Toulon, 2013-2017
    Fourier descriptors inspired by the structure of the human primary visual cortex V1 : Application to vessels recognition in the framework of maritime surveillance
  • Research Master Degree in Computer Science
    Univ. of Fez, Morocco., 2009-2011
    Computer Graphics and Imaging (M3I), Dep. of Computer Science
  • Bachelor in Mathematics and Computer Sciences (SMI)
    Univ. of Fez, Morocco, 2006-2009
     Dep. of Computer Science,

Research interest

  • Image processing 2D
  • Shape analysis 3D
  • Machine and Deep Learning
  • Engineering and Digital Tools
  • Applications : Digital health, Medical imaging, Computer vision

Current research programs

  • Segmentation and characterization of the bladder wall from MRI images of children with spinal dysraphism (Spina Bifida)..
  • FERAD : Facial Expression Recognition in Alzheimer’s Disease.

Supervising internship

  • Wiame Galmassi (03/2022 – 08/2022), M2 TechMed at Ecole Universitaire de Physique et d’Ing´enierie of Clermont Auvergne University. Location : Fresnel Institute, Aix-Marseille University. Sujet : Segmentation of the inner and outer boundaries of the bladder wall from MRI images.
  • Aymane Souani (05/2019 – 08/2019), 3rd year SICOM-EEH and M2 SIGMA at INP of Grenoble. Location :  Institute of Neuroscicence of la Timone, Aix-Marseille University. Sujet : Shapes analysis of cortical folds simulated by a biomechanical model.


Synthesis (2015 – 2022)

  • ACL : 4
  • C-ACTI : 5
  • C-COM : 2

ACL : International peer-reviewed journals

  • K. Makki, A. Bohi, A.C. Ogier, and M.E. Bellemare, ”Characterization of surface motion patterns in highly deformable soft tissue organs from dynamic MRI: An application to assess 4D bladder motion”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine CMPB, (2022). DOI:
  • X.  Wang,  J.  Lef`evre,  A.  Bohi,  M.  Al  Harrach,  M.  Dinomais,  F.  Rousseau,  ”The  In- fluence of Biophysical Parameters in a Biomechanical Model of Cortical Folding Pat- terns”, Scientific Reports, (2021). DOI:
  • M. Al Harrach, F. Rousseau, S. Groeschel, X. Wang, L. Hertz-Pannier, S. Chabrier, A. Bohi, J. Lefèvre and M. Dinomais, ”Alterations in Cortical Morphology after Neonatal Stroke : Compensation in the Contralesional Hemisphere?”, Developmental Neurobi- ology, (2019). DOI:
  • A. Bohi, D. Prandi, V. Guis, F.  Bouchara  and  J.P.  Gauthier,  ”Fourier  descriptors based on the structure of the human primary visual cortex with applications to object recognition”, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision JMIV, Springer, Vol.57 (2017), Issue N°1, p.117-133, DOI: 10.1007/s10851-016-0669-1.

C-ACTI : International peer-reviewed conferences

  • A. Bohi, G. Auzias, C. Nouˆs and J. Lefèvre, ”Comparing vector fields across surfaces: interest for characterizing the orientations of cortical folds”, 24th IEEE International Conference in Image Processing (ICIP), 16-19 Oct 2022, Bordeaux, France.
  • K. Makki, A. Bohi, A.C. Ogier, and M.E. Bellemare, ”A new geodesic-based feature for characterization of 3D shapes : application to soft tissue organ temporal deforma- tions”, 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Milan, Italy. January 10-15, 2021.
  • A. Bohi, X. Wang, M. Al Harrach, M. Dinomais, F. Rousseau and J. Lefèvre, ”Global perturbation of initial geometry in a biomechanical model of cortical morphogenesis”, 41st IEEE International Engineering in Medecine and Biology Conference (EMBC), Berlin, Germany. July 23-27, 2019.
  • X.  Wang,  A.  Bohi,  M.  Al  Harrach,  M.  Dinomais,  J.  Lefèvre  and  F.  Rousseau,  ”On early brain folding patterns using biomechanical growth modeling”, 41st IEEE Inter- national Engineering in Medecine and Biology Conference (EMBC), Berlin, Germany. July 23-27, 2019.
  • A.  Bohi,  X.  Wang,  M.  Al  Harrach,  M.  Dinomais,  F.  Rousseau  and  J.  Lefèvre,  ”A framework to study the impact of initial geometry on cortical morphogenesis”, Orga- nization of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Rome, Italy. June 13, 2019.


C-COM : Seminars and other communications

  • Multimedia Team Seminar, L2TI, Paris 13 University (may 2022)
  • Shape analysis in biology Workshop, Paris Sorbonne University (21-22 nov. 2019, Paris)


Dissertations and technical reports

  • A. Bohi. Fourier descriptors inspired by the structure of the human primary visual cortex Application to vessels recognition in the framework of maritime surveillance.. PhD thesis, University of the South Toulon-Var, may 2017.
  • A. Bohi. et al. Decision support system for threat assessment applied to the fight against maritime piracy. The PARE project results, Work Documents, Opera Ergonomie & Thales (2014).
  • A. Bohi. et al. Autonomous Embedded Intelligence Platform: Semantic Information Generation. The PARE project results, Work Documents,, Opera Ergonomie & Thales (2013).