Assitant Professor
Email :
Phone number : +33 (0)7 70 17 85 42
1, avenue du Général de Gaulle
92 074 Paris La Défense
Research team
Learning and Innovating
Research themes
- Constructive activities, workplace learning and design of innovative training devices
- Cultural and historical activity analysis, appropriation and instruments development
- Occupational health and complex socio-technical systems safety
Educational activities
- Disciplines : Ergonomics, Psychology, Engineering
- Theme : Safety, Health, Work, Intervention, Activity analysis
- Level : Bachelor, Master, PhD
- PhD in ergonomics, qualification in psychology and ergonomics
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Cnam), 2011
From risk management to activity resource management. Study of resilience in paediatric - Research Master in ergonomics
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métier (Cnam), 2007 - Engineering degree in Industrial Risk Prevention
Polytech’Grenoble, Université Joseph Fourier, 2005
Current Research Programs
- PIA JENII 2021-2024
- ANR ITAPAR 2019-2023
PhD supervision
- Elodie Ciccone : Rapports analytique et sensible à l’objet de l’activité : accompagner leur mise en mot et en partage pour développer la sécurité (Université Paris 8, FONCSI, 2023)
- Camille Murie : Articuler Sécurité Réglée et Sécurité Gérée dans les compromis en conception : Une approche croisée du travail de concepteurs et de mécaniciens pour une maintenance aéronautique sûre (Cnam, Airbus, 2022)
- Sylvie Thellier : Approche ergonomique de l’analyse des risques en radiothérapie : de l’analyse des modes de défaillances à la mise en discussion des modes de réussite (Cnam, IRSN, 2017).
Selected publication
Peer-reviewed scientific articles
- Cuvelier (2019) Taking risks to improve safety? Workplace learning in anesthesia. Journal of Workplace Learning, 31(8): 537-550.
- Cuvelier, L., & D. Woods, D. (2019). Sécurité réglée et/ou sécurité gérée : quand l’ingénierie de la résilience réinterroge l’ergonomie de l’activité. Le Travail Humain, 82(1), 41-66.
- Cuvelier, L., Falzon, P., Granry, J. C., & Orliaguet, G. (2017). Développement des collectifs de travail et développement de la sécurité : une étude sur les décisions à risque en anesthésie. Psychologie du Travail et des organisations, 23(3), 255-272.
- Cuvelier, L., Benchekroun, H., & Morel, G. (2017). New vistas on causal-tree methods: from root cause analysis (RCA) to constructive cause analysis (CCA), Cognition, Technology & Work, 1-18.
- Cuvelier, L., & Falzon, P. (2015). The collective construction of safety: a trade-off between “understanding” and “doing” in managing dynamic situations. Applied Ergonomics, 41, 117-126.
Book chapters
- Cuvelier, L. (2022). Risk-seeking and the Paradox of Variability in Healthcare: Resonance with R.L. Wears’ chapter. Risk-taking, Prevention and Design: a Cross-Fertilization Approach. G. Boy and E. Quillerou. Boca Raton, Florida, USA, CRC Taylor & Francis.
- Ciccone, E.*, Cuvelier, L., Bationo – Tillon, A., & Decortis, F. (2022). On care and sensitive dimensions of caregiver activity in simulation situations: a possible model for encounters between health practitioners and their patients to enhance communication training. In S. Flandin, C. Vidal-Gomel, & R. Becerril Ortega (Eds.), Simulation Training through the lens of Experience and Activity Analysis – Design improvements for healthcare, victim rescue and population protection: Springer.
- Cuvelier, L. (2021). Risques industriels. Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l’ergonomie: 150 notions clés. E. Brangier and G. Valléry. Malakoff, Dunod: 439-442.
- Cuvelier, L., & Falzon, P. (2010). Coping with Uncertainty. Resilient Decisions in anaesthesia. In E. Hollnagel, J. Pariès, D. Woods & J. Wreathall (Eds.), Resilience Engineering in Practice: A Guidebook (pp. 29-43). Ashgate: Studies in Resilience Engineering.
International Congress Proceedings
- Cuvelier, L., Boudra, L., Bationo-Tillon, A., Grosstephan, V., Garrigou, A., Lémonie, Y., & Nascimento, A. (2022) Formative intervention for safety: challenging methods from Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT). Proceedings of the 11th international conference of Working on Safety (WOS), Olhão, Portugal, Septembre 2022.
- Galey, L., Nascimento, A., Cuvelier, L., & Garrigou, A. (2021). From Regulated and Managed to Constructive Safety in the Industry. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021): Volume I: Systems and Macroergonomics, Jun 2021, Vancouver, Canada.
- Murie, C., Buchmann, W., Cuvelier, L., Barcellini, F., Bernard, F., & Paquin, R. (2021). Acting in Safety from the Design to the Implementation of Helicopter Maintenance. Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021): Volume IV: Healthcare and Healthy Work; Jun 2021, Vancouver, Canada
- Boudra, L., Lémonie, Y., Garrigou, A., Bationo-Tillon, A., Cuvelier, L., Grosstephan, V., & Nascimento, A. (2021). Ergonomic intervention and formative intervention for prevention: two-way dialogue between two systemic interventionist frameworks. Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021): Volume IV: Healthcare and Healthy Work. Jun 2021, Vancouver, Canada
- Murie, C.*, Barcellini, F., Buchmann, W., Cuvelier, L., Bernard, F., & Paquin, R. (2021, 2021-01-11). Analysing risks in aeronautical maintenance, a complex design project. Paper presented at the 55ème congrès de la SELF 2020-2021 L’activité et ses frontières Penser et agir sur les transformations de nos sociétés, 11 janv., Paris (visio), France.
- Ciccone E*, Cuvelier L., Bationo Tillon, A. & Decortis, F. (2019) Simuler pour apprendre à communiquer. Intégrer les dimensions sensibles de l’activité dans les formations par la simulation en médecine. 5ème colloque de didactique professionnelle, Sherbrooke, 23-25 octobre.
- Murie, C*. Buchmann, W., Cuvelier, L., Barcellini, F. Bernard, Paquin, R. (2019) Accéder au réel du travail de maintenance sur hélicoptère, 10ème colloque de Psychologie Ergonomique (EPIQUE), Doctoriales Lyon, 9-2 juillet 2019
- Ciccone, E., Cuvelier, L. & Decortis, F. (2018) From causality to narration: the search for meaning in accident analyzes IEA 2018 – 20th congress international ergonomics association, Florence, August, 26th-30th 2018.
- Ciccone, E., Cuvelier, L. & Decortis, F. (2018) Role of simulation in the development of communication skills: the case of anesthesia and intensive care training / 9ème colloque EARLI SIG 14 « Learning and Professional Development: Interaction, learning and professional development”, University of Geneva, 12th -14th September 2018, University of Geneva, 12th -14th September 2018.
- Thellier S. Jeffroy, F Cuvelier, L. &.Falzon, P. (2018) L’analyse des risques en radiothérapie : quelle alternative à l’AMDEC ? The risk analysis in Radiotherapy: Which alternative to FMEA? congrès Lambda Mu 21, Reins, 16-18 octobre 2018.