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Nanterre 93 boulevard de la Seine CS 40177 92023 Nanterre cedex
Research team
Learning and Innovating
Research themes
- Innovative organizations
- Organizational culture
- Innovation culture
Educational activities
- Project management
- Innovation
- Organizational culture
- Professional thesis methodology
- Level : master degree
Responsibilities – CESI Nanterre Campus
- 2009/2012: Engineering degree through continuing vocational training
- 2012/2015 and 2018/2020: Master degree in project management (MS ® MPP)
- 2013/2018: Master degree in innovation management (MS® InDA) in partnership with LCPI, Arts et Métiers Paris Tech.
- Psychology Ph.D
Paris Descartes University, 2019 - Master grade CAAE
IAE, Robert Schuman University, Strasbourg, 1994 - Engineering degree
ENSAIT Roubaix, 1993
Ph.D. Thesis
Davies M. (2019), « Diagnosing and enhancing innovation culture in french organizations», under the direction of Stéphanie Buisine.
Davies, M., Buisine, S. (2017). « La culture d’innovation dans les organisations françaises. » Technologie et Innovation, vol. 4, pp. 1-12
Book / Chapter
Davies, M., Buisine, S. (2018). “Innovation culture in organizations.” In: M. Chouteau, J. Forest, & C. Nguyen (Eds), Science, Technology and Innovation Culture, Chapter 6, pp. 101-115. ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Guillemot, G., Buisine, S., De Cagny, A., Davies, M., Humblot, B., Muller-Segard, L. (2016). « Les innovations créatrices d’emplois industriels. » Paris: GIM
Oral communication
Davies, M., Buisine, S., Lejeune, V., Guillemot, G. (2017). La culture innovation : proposition et mise en œuvre du modèle ETOILe. Forum d’été du RRI 2017.