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CESI Direction Générale
1 avenue Général De Gaulle
92074 Paris la Défense

Research team

Learning and Innovating

Research themes

Learning organizations, enabling environments, learning environments, informal learning, work study pedagogy, capabilities, empowerment, professionalization, soft skills, skills, learning   Research objective : better understand the impacts of work and/or training environments on learning conditions.

Educational activities

  • 2008-2020 : Senior Lecturer, Paris Nanterre University, Department of Educational Sciences, Adult Learning and Training Team, CREF
  • 1998-2008 : Temporary Research Associate (ATER), Study Engineer (IGE). University of Lyon 2 and 1
  • 1992-2000 : educational coordinator, trainer or project manager (GRETA, CCIL, Espace Fomateurs)


  • Accreditation to lead / supervise research
    University of Bourgogne Franche Comté, Dijon, 2018
    « Organization and learning: skills to capabilities », EDUTER,
  • Doctorate in educational learning
    ISPEF, University Lyon II, 2004
    « Organization and learning: learning organization »
  • DEA
    ISPEF, University Lyon II, 1999
    Skill development and transfer of learning
  • DESS
    ISPEF, University Lyon II, 1997
    Designer of training
  • Bachelor & Master in Educational sciences
    ISPEF, University Lyon II, 1996
  • Higher diploma Bachelor in commerce and administration of tourism companies
    ESCAET, Aix en Provence, 1992
  • Higher technician’s certificate in commerce et business management
    ECOGE, CCI de Saint-Dié, 1990

Research Program

Action project research in progress

  • « Soft Skills et pédagogie universitaire » (University of Paris Nanterre): this project aims to identify the way teaching formulas/practices (techniques, methods and tools) favored by teachers contribute to the development of soft skills by students. This will involve determining the scope and nature of these soft skills in order to initiate educational actions aimed at promoting their formalization and capitalization
  • « Learning experience » (Cabinet Conseil et recherches, Paris): this project seeks to characterize the notion of learning experience and its development paths

Supervision of thesis and other works

  • Thesis co-supervision in educational and training sciences in progress Cavignaux Bros, D., “Introducing technologies in learning design, a capability approach ”, . thesis in co-supervision with Philippe Carré, University Professor (CREF EA 1589)
  • Thesis co-supervision in educational and training sciences defended Policard Florence, « Trainers and simulation in health in Nursing Institute », thesis in co-supervision with Olivier Las Vergnas, University Professor (CREF EA 1589) defended in October 2018
  • Thesis supervision in educational and training sciences in progress 3 Hureau, S. « Changed in the organization: what effects on learning? », University Paris Nanterre (CREF EA 1589)

Thesis jury (rapporteur)

  • Barbigant, C. (June 2019), “Perspectives on the experience of adults in promotional studies: the case of nursing assistants in nursing training”. University of Lille. Supervised by Olivier Las Vergnas and Thérèse Levéné.
  • Pernet, A. (may 2013), « Co-producing safe and effective care: developing capabilities of radiotherapy patients”. CNAM, Chair of ergonomics. Supervised by Pierre Falzon and Vanina Mollo.

Thesis monitoring committee

  • Scherer, A. (2020), « Design of a financial education system based on the analysis of the activity of the players”. CIREL, University of Nantes. Supervised by Christine Vidal Gomel and Gregory Munoz
  • Deswelle Dubois, V. (2020), « Hybrid work-study training

Promotion of research, management and promotion of contents Scientific journals 1. Coordination of thematic files (call for papers):

  • “Pedagogical innovations”, Formation Emploi review, 2020-2022 o “Organizational transformation and training” Transformation magazine, 2020-2021
  • “Work-study training for situated learning”, Education Permanente, n ° 172, 2006
  • “Alternation for situated learning”, Education Permanente, n ° 173, 2007
  • Member of the steering committee of the International Journal of Research in Adult Education and Training – SAVOIRS – since 2008 –
  • Member of the editorial board of the journal Formation Emploi, CEREQ de Marseille –
  • Member of the thematic reading committee of the journal TransFormations, Issue: “Bringing out the real in work and designing training: around the methodological challenges of analyzing adult activity” http: //www.trigone.univ-lille1. fr / transformations_18.pdf

2. Expertise of articles for the journals Training Employment, Activities, Transformation, Research and training, Human Work and Knowledge, Terminale, International Journal of Educational Sciences.   Symposium, congresses, consensus conferences

  • Member of the NEO-SAI 2020 scientific committee, Understanding and constructing new instrumented learning situations, LINEACT CESI
  • GRP member (Research and Production Group) “Trajectory and professional career”, CEREQ Marseille – 2016 – 2019
  • Member of the scientific committee of the 9th international conference of the EARLI SIG 14: Interac-tion, learning and professional development, University of Geneva, 12th – 14th September 2018 – /7161/7560/Flyer-EARLI_WEBR.pdf
  • Member of the scientific committee “Consensus conference: learning organization”, Institut Jacotot, Dijon, May 2018 –

Publications and communications

  • 3 books (L’Harmattan, Septentrion)
  • 15 ACL (Continuing Education, Knowledge, Research and Training, International Journal of Educational Sciences, Specificities and Employment Training)
  • 7 book chapters (L’Harmattan, Dunod, De Boeck, Chronique Sociale, Septentrion, Presses de Louvain)
  • 19 conferences in academic and professional circles including 7 with proceedings
  • 12 research reports: soft skills (Paris Nanterre University), enabling environment (National Police, ONF, IUMM, Fondation de France, Orange), capabilities, learning (APM), interconnaissance (Orange), collective action (Company and Staff) , pedagogies of the work-study program 5université Lyon 1), work-study training program (E2C), skills of trainers (National Police), learning organization (ANACT), reciprocal knowledge exchange network (La Poste)
  • More than 100 support for research papers (M1 & M2 Educational engineering in adult training, IFCS Sainte Anne)

Design of digital content 

  • Design of video capsules on the theme of skills (Ifé, ENS Lyon – and learning (MOOC Educational transitions, Synlab, ENESER, https: / /

Publications representative of the field of research 

  • Books 5 FERNAGU OUDET, S. & BATAL, C. (dir.) (2016), (R)evolution in human resources management: from skills to capabilities, Lille: Septentrion, 428 pages FERNAGU OUDET S. (2007), Work organization and skills development: building professionalism, Paris: L’Harmattan, 321 pages

Books chapters

  • FERNAGU, S. (forthcoming), Pour une sociopédagogie des conditions de learning, in Collard-Bovy, O., De Viron, F., Jézégou, A., Adults in training, Louvain University Press
  • FERNAGU, S., (Forthcoming, 2020), “Entry into training and capabilities: the case of training for adults with illiteracy and literacy “, in Bourgeois, E. (Dir), Training, transform into Alpha: engagement dynamics, training effects, brakes and resources, Paris: L’Harmattan.
  • FERNAGU OUDET, S. (2016a), “The capability approach through the prism of training”, in Fernagu Oudet, S. & Batal, C. (dir.) (2016), (R) evolution in the management of human resources: from skills to capabilities, Lille: Septentrion

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

  • FERNAGU OUDET, S. (2018a), The Second Chance Schools in Ile de France: For capacitating alternation, Savoirs n ° 46
  • FERNAGU OUDET, S (2018c), For a socio-pedagogy of empowering environments: Capabilities through the prism of the ability to self-determine. The case of exchange clubs and reflection of managers. Formation Emploi n ° 142
  • FERNAGU OUDET, S (2018b), Skills development for National police trainers: a reading from the capability approach. Recherche et Formation n ° 84
  • FERNAGU OUDET, S., (2018d), The educational unthought of organizations for learning, Education Permanente n ° 216
  • FERNAGU OUDET, S., BATAL, C., (2013), “Skills, a folk concept in difficulty? », Savoirs n ° 33, 39-60
  • FERNAGU OUDET S. (2010a). “Alternations et professionalisation”, Revue internationale en Sciences de l’éducation, n ° 24, 83-95
  • FERNAGU OUDET S., (2004), “Professionalization engineering and professional didactics”, Recherche et Formation n ° 46, INRP