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Phone number : +33 (0)7 86 03 62 06
CS 40177 - 92 023 Nanterre
Research team
Learning and Innovating
Educational activities
Lectures :
- Fundamentals of Economics
- Management Change process
- Research theses methodology
- Thematic culture (theoretical and empirical preparation for research dissertations)
- Organization strategy
- Supervision of research master Thesis : supervision of master thesis during the 1st and 2nd years of masters.
- Level : 1st and 2nd years, MDO masters
- Accreditation for research supervision, HDR
University of Sousse-TUNISIA, 2010 - Ph.D. in Economics
Pantheon - Sorbonne University, 2003
Obtained with very high honors - M.A. in Macroeconomics, Modeling and Overall Economic Situation
Pantheon - Sorbonne University, 1995
Research interest
- Convergence of per capita income at the international level
- Globalization and economic growth
- Energy consumption and sustainable development
- Corruption and institutional quality
- Regional integration
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Corporate governance and financial performance
Current Research Programs
Projects of Research articles (forthcoming publications), with Benoît Berquier, CESI Nanterre :
- The impact of renewable energies on EU economic growth
- Strengthening Innovation in Europe’s regions for an inclusive transition
- Does concentration, boosts innovation for energy transition?
PhD supervision
More than 10 thesis defended since 2015 including :
- S. KaTal, “The Cyclicality of Fiscal Policy, Public Debt Sustainability, and Economic Growth, Analysis for OECD Countries”, defended in 20 June 22.
- O. Fatnassi, “Institutional environment, private sector and economic growth”, defended in Marsh 2021.
- W. Issa, “International migration and the brain drain, causes and consequences for the countries of departure”, defended in July 2020.
- A. Ifa, “Public expenditure and inclusive growth case of Mediterranean Basin countries”, defended in July 2020.
- N. Farjallah, “Effect of political instability on economic growth”, defended in July 2019.
- O. Ben Abdallah Golli, “Corporate Social Responsibility: A lever for ecological sustainability: validation for the Mediterranean” (by, University of Sousse-Tunisia and University of Côte d´Azur; co-supervision with Damien Bazin, defense in December 2017.
- D. Sridi, “Institutional quality and transfers of immigrants”, defense in April 2017.
- H. Sékrafi, “Energy consumption and its effect on sustainable growth: is renewable energies a solution? », defense in June 2015.
Other scientific activities
- Referee for several journals, reviews and conferences.
- Member of several networks, forums and research associations (ERF, GDN, MEEA, CEMAFI International, etc…).
- Member of scientific committees and/or organization of several conferences
- Participation in thesis and HDR committees, as referee, president or member.
Several scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and reviews
Selected publications
- «The role of institutional factors in the economic growth process: theoretical justification and empirical application to developing countries », Revue Française d’Economie et de Gestion, 4 (3), 405-422, 2023, (with O. Fatnassi). DOI:1177/01445987221136396.
- « Save Infant’s Live or Save Economic Growth? An Analysis by ARDL Approach: Case of India», Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 41(3), November 2022, (with A. Ifa).
- « Crypto currencies, challenges and opportunities of digitalization », Les bonnes feuilles de l’assurance, number 2, December 2021.
- « Analyzing Short and Long run Causality Relationship among Public Spending, Renewable Energy Consumption, Non-renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: Evidence from Eight of South Mediterranean Countries (SMCs) », (avec A. Ifa), Energy Exploration & Exploitation. Première publication en ligne le 14 octobre 2021.
- « The direct and indirect risk impacts on remittances: A cross‐regional specific effects», with D. Sridi, African Development Review, Volume 32, Issue 3, Pages 288-302, 2020.
- « Fiscal stance, election year and 2007 crises, evidence from OECD countries (1980-2017) », avec Sami Kallel, The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, Volume 21, e00163, 2020. (Indexé: RePEc, Journal of Economic Literature, Scopus).
- « Effet de court et de long terme de la crise sanitaire Covid-19 sur la croissance économique des pays de l’OCDE », Les bonnes feuilles de l’assurance, numéro 1, 2020.
- « The Short and Long run Causality Relationship between Public Health Spending and Economic Growth: evidence from Tunisia and Morocco », (avec A. Ifa), Journal of economic Development, Volume 44, Number 3, September 2019.
- « Migration Perspective and their Effect for the Origin Countries », (avec W. Issa), International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 7, Issue 12, décembre 2018.
- « How Can Public Education Spending Affects Moroccan and Tunisian GDP per Capita? ARDL Approach », (avec A. Ifa), International Economic Journal, Publié En ligne : 01 novembre 2018.