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Phone number : +133 7 86 14 36 11
93 Boulevard de la Seine
BP 602 Cedex 92006 Nanterre
Research team
Engineering and Numerical Tools
Educational activities
- Topics : Databases, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, System Administration, Networks, System Programming, Research and Innovation, Image Processing, IoT, OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) Preparatory Cycle Computer Engineering Cycle Mechanical Engineering Cycle
- Supervision and Monitoring of internship Projects for Students at the Engineering cycle.
- Ph.D. in Signal Processing and Telecommunications
Telecom ParisTech, 2004 - Master's Degree with a specialization in Signal, Image, and Speech
Ecole Nationale Polytechnique de Grenoble, 2001 - Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science Networks and Telecommunications
Faculty of Engineering, Branch I, Lebanese University, 2000
Research Interest
Engineering and Digital Tools
- Smart Industry (Industry 4.0)
- Additive Manufacturing AM L-PBF
- Quality Control
- Data Modeling
- Artificial Intelligence
- IoT (Internet of Things)
Scientific Report
Ph.D Thesis Report: Design and Equalization of OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing multicarrier modulations. Ecole Nationale des Télécommunications à Paris, Telecom ParisTech January 2004
- “Spatiotemporal Analysis of Visual Evoked Responses Using Dense EEG”, ICMBE 2016: 18th Int. Conf. on Medical and Biomedical Engineering, Rima Hleiss, Elie Bitar, Mahmoud Hassan & Mohamad Khalil, Mars 2016, Roma, Italy.
- “Multivariate Analysis of Students ‘Performance in Math Courses and Specific Engineering Courses”, ICEET 2016: “18th International Conference on Education and Educational Technology”, Rima Hleiss & Hiba Naccache, March 2016, Prague.
- Many articles at the Handassa magazine 2013-2018: “Open Access”, “Things everyone should know about Clouds Computing”, “Complex Brain Connectivity towards Smart Classification”, “The 3D Technology Revolution”, etc.
- “Visual Objects Categorization using dense EEG: A preliminary Study”, Rima Hleiss, Rouba El Lone, Mahmoud Hassan & Aya Kabbara, Juin 2015.
- “Adaptive Super-resolution via Non Standard diffusions : A Majorization- Minimization Lagrangian Approach”, Abdallah El Hamidi, Gilles Bailly Maitre & Rima Hleiss, The Second Saudi International Electronics, Communications and Phonetics Conference, Riyadh, April 2013.
- ”Orthogonalization of OFDM/OQAM Pulse Shaping Filters Using the Discrete Zak Transform”, Rima Hleiss, Helmut Bolcskei and Pierre Duhamel, Signal Processing (Journal EURASIP), pp. 1379-1391, July 2003.
- ”A subspace-based Approach to Blind Channel Estimation in Pulse Shaping OFDM/OQAM systems”, Rima Hleiss, Helmut Bolcskei and Pierre Duhamel, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 49, No. 7, pp. 1594-1598, July 2001.
- ”Design of Pulse Shaping OFDM/OQAM Systems for High Data-rate Transmission over Wireless Channels”, Rima Hleiss, Helmut Bolcskei and Pierre Duhamel, Proc. of IEEE international Conference on Communications ICC’99, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 559-564, June 1999.
- ”Blind Channel Identification in High-data-rate Pulse Shaping OFDM/OQAM Systems”, Rima Hleiss, Helmut Bolcskei and Pierre Duhamel, Proc. of 2nd IEEE signal processing Workshop on Signal processing Advances in wireless communications SPWAC’99, Annapolis, Maryland, USA, pp. 154-157, May 1999.
- ”Oversampled OFDM Systems”, Rima Hleiss, Maurice Charbit and Pierre Duhamel, 13th international conference on Digital Signal Processing DSP’97, Santorini, Greece, pp 357-360, July 1997.
- ”Equalization of oversampled OFDM systems”, Rima Hleiss, Philippe Madec, Maurice Charbit and Pierre Duhamel, First IEEE Benelux signal processing symposium, Proceedings SPS, pp. 107-110, March 1998, Belgium.
- ”Performance of OFDM/OQAM sub-channel equalization structures”, Rima Hleiss, Maurice Charbit and Pierre Duhamel, fifth Baiona workshop on emerging technologies in telecommunications, pp. 192-196, September 1999, Bayona, Spain.
Supervision and Participation to PhD Thesis
“A Methodology for securing a manufacturing line based on risk assessment, in the context of Industry 4.0”, ENSAM, in process.
“Industry 4.0 Process, Which model for a successful integration ?”, ENSAM, July 2021
“How the Cloud can enhance the performances of production system 4.0”, “Comment le Cloud Computing peut accroître les performances d’un système de production 4.0” », ENSAM, March 2023