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CESI Engineering School
13290 Aix-en-Provence

Research team

Engineering and Numerical Tools

Research themes

Modeling, Conception, and Architecture of Cyber-Physical Systems

Educational activities

  • Responsability : Cyber security - Data Science
  • Lecturing : Cyber security - Data Science - Artificial Intelligence - Advanced Algortihms


  • Accreditation to Supervise Research
    CNAM (Paris, France), 2022
    Security and Reliability of Smart Cyber-Physical Systems
  • PhD in Computer Science
    Concordia University (Montreal, Canada), 2013
    Securoty Verification Framework for SysML Activity Diagrams
  • Master in Computer Science
    Laurraine University (Metz, France), 2006
    Estimating Molecules Structure using Global Optimization to Minimize Lennard-Jones Energy Funcion
  • Engineering in Computer Science
    Djillali Liabess University (Sidi bel Abbess, Algérie), 1997
    Automatic Generation of Fuzzy Inference Systems for Neural Networks Effectiveness


  • Expert in Cyber Security, Formal Methods, and Applied Artificial Intelligence

Current research activities

Research Area: Secure and Resilient Smart Cyber-Physical Systems.
1. Overview: My focus is emphasizing the development and implementation of security and
resilience measures within smart systems that integrate computing, communication, and
physical processes.
2. Security Measures: Investigating and implementing cutting-edge security protocols, en-
cryption techniques, and intrusion detection systems to safeguard CPS from potential
threats, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and pro-
3. Resilience Strategies: Developing resilient architectures and methodologies to enhance
the system’s ability to adapt and recover from disruptions or unexpected events. This
includes fault-tolerant mechanisms, redundancy strategies, and dynamic reconfiguration
4. Integration of Emerging Technologies: Exploring the integration of emerging technolo-
gies such as formal methods, blockchain, and artificial intelligence to assure and fortify
the security and resilience of CPS while addressing related challenges.
5. Application Domains: Leveraging the developed solutions to various application do-
mains, including but not limited to industrial automation, smart cities, healthcare sys-
tems, and autonomous vehicles, to provide practical solutions to real-world challenges.

Selected Publications


Since 2018: 18 Journal ACL (16 Q1, 2 Q2)  – 47 Conference C-ACTI – 1 Editorship – 3 Keynotes – 5 Tutorials.


  • Advances in Model and Data Engineering in the Digitalization Era – MEDI 2021 International Workshops: DETECT, SIAS, CSMML, BIOC, HEDA, Tallinn, Estonia, June 21-23, 2021, Proceedings, volume 1481 of Springer CCIS, 2021.

Invited Keynotes & Tutorials

  • Samir Ouchani: “Securing Autonomous Vehicles: Fundamentals, Challenges, and Perspective.” Invited Keynote speaker, CRISIS 2023.
  • Samir Ouchani: “Security in Smart Cyber-Physical Systems.” SS-CPS&IoT 2022: 3rd Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things.
  • Samir Ouchani: “Formalizing and Evaluating Security in Socio-Technical Systems”. The 7th International Congress on Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Sciences, 24-25 November 2018, ICIBSoS 2018, Batam, Indonesia.

Papiers journaux

  • Walid Miloud Dahmane, Samir Ouchani, and Hafida Bouarfa. Guaranteeing information integrity and access control in smart cities through blockchain. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, pages 1–10, 2022.
  • Fahem Zerrouki, Samir Ouchani, and Hafida Bouarfa. A survey on silicon pufs. Journal of Systems Architecture, page 102514, 2022. ISSN 1383-7621.
  • Abdelhakim Baouya, Salim Chehida, Samir Ouchani, Saddek Bensalem, and Marius Bozga. Generation and verification of learned stochastic automata using k-nn and statistical model checking. Applied Intelligence, Nov 2021. ISSN 1573-7497.
  • Samir Ouchani. A security policy hardening framework for socio-cyber-physical systems. Journal of Systems Architecture, 119:102259, 2021.
  • Walid Miloud Dahmane, Samir Ouchani, and Hafida Bouarfa. Towards a reliable smart city through formal verification and network analysis. Computer Communications, 180:171–187, 2021b.

Papiers conférences

  • Abdelhakim Baouya, Samir Ouchani, and Saddek Bensalem: Formal modeling and security analysis of inter-operable systems, The 35th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2022, Springer.
  • Walid Miloud Dahmane, Samir Ouchani, and Hafida Bouarfa. Guaranteeing information integrity through blockchains for smart cities. In International Conference on Model and Data Engineering, pages 199–212. Springer, 2021a.
  • Fahem Zerrouki, Samir Ouchani, and Hafida Bouarfa. A low-cost authentication protocol using arbiter-puf. In International Conference on Model and Data Engineering, pages 101–116. Springer, 2021b.
  •  Nicolas Dimeglio, Sébastien Romano, Alexandre Vesseron, Vincent Pelegrin, and Samir Ouchani. Covid-detect: A deep learning based approach to accelerate covid-19 detection. SIAS 2021, Symposium on Intelligent and Autonomous Systems, pages 166–178. Springer, 2021.
  • Fahem Zerrouki, Samir Ouchani, and Hafida Bouarfa. A generation and recovery framework for silicon pufs based cryptographic key. In International Conference on Model and Data Engineering, pages 121–137. Springer, 2021a.
  •  Mohamed Anis Aguida, Samir Ouchani, and Mourad Benmalek. An IoT-based Framework for an Optimal Monitoring and Control of Cyber-Physical Systems: Application on Biogas Production System. In 11th International Conference on the Internet of Things, 143-149

PhD Co-Supervision

  • Fahem Zerrouki, A Robust Security Communication through a Mobile and IoT Physical
    Unclonable Function, Blida U., Algeria.
    Co-Supervision: Pr. Hafida Bouarfa, Blida U., Algeria
    Defended on: 16/02/2023.
  • Dahmane Walid Miloud, Security by Construction through Formal Methods and Blockchain:
    Application on IoT Networks in Smart Cities, Blida U., Algeria.
    Co-Supervision: Pr. Hafida Bouarfa (Blida U.)
    Defended on: 15/02/2023
  • Souhila Bedra Guendouzi, A Robust, Smart, and Sound Decentralized Decision Support System for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, HESAM U.
    Co-direction: Dr. Madlène Al-Zaher (CESI Lineact) and Dr. Hiba Al Assad (CESI Lineact).
    Started on: Octobre 2022