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Campus CESI
Immeuble Le Quatrième
Zone Aéroportuaire de Montpellier Méd.
34130 Mauguio

Research team

Engineering and Numerical Tools

Research themes

  • Urban mobility
  • Building energy performance
  • Physics of complex systems

Educational activities

  • Specialties : Thermal science, Thermodynamic, Materials sciences, Research
  • Level : up to Master in Engineering


  • PhD in Physics
    CEA Saclay et University of Montpellier, 2010
    "Multiscale analysis of crack propagation mechanisms in oxide glasses "
  • Master's degree
    University of Montpellier, 2007
    Materials Science

Research programs

  • TIGA « Rouen mobilité intelligente pour tous » – Planning and supervision of a multimodal transport system
  • MobE – Optimizing energy-efficient student mobility (CEE)

Supervision in progress

PhD thesis

  • B. SAHBANI, Predictive supervision of a multimodal transport system, defense planned for 2024
  • J. BURGALAT, Optimizing a transport system using digital methods in the context of a smart and sustainable city, defense planned for 2025

Internships and theses defended

PhD Thesis

  • R. SAHLI, « Sliding of multi-contact elastomer interfaces: experimental study using in-situ visualization », 2017.

Internship (2008-2016)

  • J. PENOT,
  • X. TAN,
  • J.D. JULIEN,

Scientific animation

  • Member of “Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique Néocampus”
  • Member of “Défi clé Midoc” (Mobilité intelligente et durable en Occitanie)


Synthesis (2008-2019)

  • ACL : 13
  • ACTI : 4
  • ACTN : 3
  • COM : 12
  • AFF : 4

Selected Publications

  • Burgalat, J., Pallares, G., Foucras, M., & Dupuis, Y. (2024). “Bus routing optimization: a case study for the Toulouse metropolitan area”. In 2024 10th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2024) (pp. xx-xx). doi : to appear
  • Sahbani, B., Benatia, M. A., Pallares, G., & Louis, A. (2023). “Effect of network modifications on a french metropolis transportation system by agent-based transport simulations”. In 2023 8th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS) (pp. 1-7). IEEE. doi : 10.1109/MT-ITS56129.2023.10241504
  • Sahli, R., Pallares, G., Ducottet, C., Ali, I. B., Al Akhrass, S., Guibert, M., & Scheibert, J. (2018). “Evolution of real contact area under shear and the value of static friction of soft materials”.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(3), 471-476. doi : 10.1073/pnas.1706434115, voir aussi : Communiqué de presse CNRS/INSIS du 22 janvier 2018
  • Pallares, G., El Mekki Azouzi, M., González, M. A., Aragones, J. L., Abascal, J. L., Valeriani, C., & Caupin, F. (2014). “Anomalies in bulk supercooled water at negative pressure”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(22), 7936-7941. doi : 10.1073/pnas.1323366111, voir aussi : Communiqué de presse Le Monde (D. Larousserie) du 19 mai 2014