Email :
Phone number : +33 2 32 81 45 35
80 avenue Edmund Halley
Rouen Madrillet
CS 10123
76808 Saint Etienne du
Research team
Learning and Innovating
Research themes
- Open innovation and Innovative
- Organisations Innovation, management, strategies
Educational activities
- Disciplines : Project management, innovation methods
- Level : Bachelor and Master in Engineering
- Disciplines : Innovative Business Models
- Level : Master
- Disciplines : Collaborative models
- Level : Master
- Tutoring of project based learning groups
- Design of pedagogical modules and projects in innovation
- Ph.D, managment sciences
NIMEC, Université de Caen, 2021 - Certificate in facilitating & designing workshops
CentraleSupélec Exed, 2018
With The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method - Visiting student
University of Copenhagen - Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO), 2018 - Post-master Professional Certificate in Project Management
EI.CESI de Mont-Saint-Aignan, 2013 - Master of Engineering degree
EI.CESI de Mont-Saint-Aignan, 2012 - Higher National Diploma in Physics and Instrumentation
University Institute of Technology of Rouen, 2009
Research activities
Scientific and administrative responsibilities
- Setting up European research projects (INTERREG Program)
- Setting up and coordination of regional funding projects (RIN Action Sup’ Program)
- Participation in European research projects (INTERREG Program)
- Participation in 2 PIA (InnovENT-E and TIGA)
- Since 2016: support for learners in scientific publication for CONFERE symposia
- Since 2015: supervision of research trainees in the 4th year of the engineering cycle.
- 2017 and 2018: Member of the jury at the Kioz competition of GRDF Nord-Ouest
- Participation in the organisation of scientific events (48h pour faire émerger des idées, TransNetAero Final Event, Greenwich Enterprise festival, Challenge InnovaTech)
- Participation in popular science events (Ma thèse en 180 sec, Fête de la science, Reflexion.s, Atelier du chercheur, Option Innovation)
- Educational activities for supervising creative groups (high school teachers, higher education teachers, managers of GRDF NordOuest)
Honor and achievements
- Finalist for the Best Paper Award, WOIC 2019, Rome, December 2019
- Normand Finalist, Ma thèse en 180 secondes, 2018
Scientific publications
International journal with reading committee
- E. Pillon, M.Messaadia, ” Corrélation entre les technologies de l’information et de la communication et l’adoption de l’innovation ouverte par les PME.”, Génie industriel et productique, Numéro Spécial Lean et industrie du future (2), 2019, DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0426
International conferences with reading committee
- E. Pillon, ” Uncovering Living Labs’ Activities and Outcomes: Key Insights for Stakeholder Expectations”, In proc. R&D Management conference, Stockholm, June 2024
- E. Pillon, ” Exploring the Activities and Outcomes of Living Labs: Insights for meeting stakeholder expectations”, In proc. WOIC 2023, Bilbao, November 2023
- G.Savarit, E. Pillon, A. Louis, ” Behaviors among SMEs in terms of open innovation practices and actors involved”, In proc. EURAM 2023, Dublin, June 2023
- E. Pillon, A. Louis, ” Comportements des PME en termes de pratiques d’innovation ouverte”, In proc. GT Innovation AIMS, Caen, October 2022
- E. Pillon, ” Business Model Innovation as resilience factor to face Covid 19 crisis?”, In proc. R&D management conference, Trento, July 2022
- E. Pillon, M.Sahnoun, ” How could SMEs take advantage of the Covid-19 crisis to improve their resilience during energy transition?.”, In proc. GIN 2022, Cambrai, July 2022
- E. Pillon, A. Louis, ”Behaviors among SMEs in terms of open innovation practices and actors involved”, In proc. WOIC 2021, Eindhoven, December 2021
- E. Pillon, M.Messaadia, A. Louis, T.Loilier, ” Strategic and organizational determinants for open innovation practices in SMEs – A conceptual framework”, In proc. WOIC 2019, Rome, December 2019
- E. Pillon, T.Loilier, ” Exploring SMEs’ open innovation practices diversity from four countries.”, In proc. R&D management conference, Palaiseau, June 2019
- E. Pillon, M.Messaadia, A. Louis, ”Proposition of assessment model for open innovation adoption in SMEs”, In proc. WOIC 2017, San Francisco, December 2017
- E. Pillon, M.Messaadia, A. Louis, ”Les pratiques d’innovation ouverte à favoriser pour les PME ”, In proc. CIGI 2017, Compiègne, May 2017
National conferences with reading committee
- E. Pillon, A.Louis, ” Comportements des PME en termes de pratiques d’innovation ouverte.”, In proc. Journées du Groupe Thématique Innovation de l’AIMS, Caen, October 2022
- C. Durouchoux, L. Chuard, E. Pillon, ”Pratiques d’innovation ouverte adoptées par les PME Normandes”, In proc. CONFERE 2019, Galway, July 2019
- A.Tettelin, A. Remont, E. Pillon, ”Les OpenLabs : un état de l’art”, In proc. CONFERE 2019, Galway, July 2019
- N.Briant, E. Pillon, V.Havard, ” Outils collaboratifs : impact d’un système cobotique sur l’aide au montage pour des postes manuels ”, In proc. CONFERE 2019, Galway, July 2019
- E. Pillon, A. Louis, ”Analyse du niveau de maturité des PME en terme d’innovation”, In proc. CONFERE 2015, Lisbonne, July 2015
- E. Pillon, ”Quels outils et méthodes utiliser pour la gestion de projets innovants ?”, In proc. CONFERE 2015, Lisbonne, July 2015
- E. Pillon, P. Paranthoen, A. Ngondiep, G. Godard, ”Etude thermométrique par thermocouples d’une enceinte ventilée”, In proc. CONFERE 2012, Venise, July 2012
Scientist and technical reports
- 1 er tournée de l’innovation dans les territoires d’industrie par l’institut InnovENT-E, vision d’expert, 2020
- Report for a work package in INTERREG IVA BENEFITS project
- Professional thesis report: « Tools and methodology for innovative project management »
Publication in the trade press
- E. Pillon, ”Innovation ouverte : quand les entreprises jouent les pygmalions des créateurs de demain”, Le Monde des Grandes écoles, 19th july 2021