Associate Professor
Email :
Phone number : +33 6 70 99 78 09
93 boulevard de la Seine
CS 40177
92023 Nanterre cedex
Research team
Engineering and Numerical Tools
Research themes
- Failure prognosis for predictive maintenance: data-driven approaches.
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence, trust in AI.
- Data mining, machine learning, partition comparison, advance statistics, PLSPM.
Educational activities
- Disciplines : Computer Engineers and Generalists
- Project : DATA, DATA Science, Artificial intelligence
- Level : 3rd year, 4th year, 5th year engineers.
- PhD in Statistics
University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris VI, France, 2004
Contributions to a methodology of score comparison - DEA in Statistics
Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris VI, France, 2000 - Master of Applied Mathematics
Lebanese University - Faculty of Sciences, Lebanon, 1997
April 2020: HCIA- AI Huawei, Certificate in Artificial Intelligence.
June 2020: Huawei, Certified Academy Instructor- HCAI- Huawei -ICT Academy.
Scientific animation
Ex-head of statistics department, CNAM-Lebanon (2004-2021)
Associate researcher at the MSDMA laboratory CEDRIC- CNAM
Member of GDR RADIA working group
Reviewer for RJCIA -PFIA (2023, 2024)
Reviewer for the journal: Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation
Supervision of research internships
- Adam Aalah. “Predictive maintenance based on deep learning for prognosis and management of system health status (PHM)”. 6-month internship (March-Sep 2022), Master 2 TRIED, Université Paris- Saclay.
- Nu Uyen Thi PHAN. “Grid Seach optimization based on hyperparameter sampling distributions”. 6-month internship (March-Sep 2023), Master 2 VMI, Université Paris Cité.
PHD Supervision/ Co-supervision
Phd supervision in progress of:
-Mouhamadou-Lamine NDAO: “Towards explicable and fair Artificial Intelligence (XAI)”. Co-directed by: Ndeye Niang (CNAM). [2023-2025].
-Lola JOLY: “Modeling the impact of higher education institution culture on student mobility”. Thesis as part of the MOBE project. Supervisor: Muriel Davies. Directed by Stéphanie Buisine. [2024-2026].
Ph.D. Thesis
G. Youness, “Contributions à une méthodologie de comparaison de partitions”, PhD thesis from the University Pierre et Marie Curie- Paris VI- under the supervision of G. Saporta.
International/National Conferences
- M.L. Ndao, G. Youness, N. Niang, G. Saporta (2024). Effet de la complexité du réseau LSTM sur l’explicabilité en Maintenance Prédictive. JdS 2024, 55eme journée de la statistique de la SFDS. Bordeau, Mai 2024.
- M.L. Ndao, G. Youness, N. Niang, G. Saporta (2024). Enhancing Explainability in Predictive Maintenance : Investigating the Impact of Data Preprocessing Techniques on XAI Effectiveness. The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings, 37(1). Retrieved from
- G. Youness, N.U.T. Phan, B. Cohen Boulakia. BootBOGS: Hands-on optimizing Grid Search in hyperparameter tuning of MLP. AICCSA 2023 : 20th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Dec 2023, Giza, Egypt.
- M.L. Ndao, N. Niang, G. Youness, Gilbert Saporta. Consensus de partitions en NLP pour une revue systématique de la littérature autour de l’XAI du biais et de l’équité. SFC’2023; Rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification, Société Francophone de Classification, Jul 2023, Strasbourg, France. pp.43-48.
- M.L. Ndao, G. Youness, N. Niang, G. Saporta. Une revue systématique de la littérature autour du biais, de l’équité et de l’explicabilité. CNIA 2023 – Conférence Nationale en Intelligence Artificielle, AFIA- Association française pour l’Intelligence Artificielle, Jul 2023, Strasbourg, France. pp.87-98.
- B. El Murr, G. Youness, H. Gharib, M.Daher. Financial literacy and individual success: Lebanese framework modeling. 10e Congrès international de l’AFEP 2021 : Ressources, Association Française d’Economie Politique, Jun 2021, Toulouse, France
- G. Youness, A. Ramadan, “Use of PLS path modeling to study customer satisfaction of two Lebanese mobile operators”, PLS014: 8th International Conference on Partiel Least Squares and Related Methods, 26-28 May, Paris 2014.
- G. Youness, W. Nassar, ” An empirical comparison between PLS, Lasso, Elasticnet and other model for highly correlated data” , PLS014: 8th International Conference on Partiel Least Squares and Related Methods, 26-28 May, Paris 2014.
- G. Youness, G. Saporta “New techniques to compare partitions of different units based on same surveys”, 3rds IASC world conference on Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Limassol, Chypre, 28-31 October, 2005
- G. Youness, G. Saporta « Sur des Indices de Comparaison de deux Classifications », In Proceedings SFC03, 10 èmes rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification, 177-180, Neuchâtel 10-12 Septembre 2003.
- Gilbert Saporta, G. Youness « Comparing Two Partitions: Some Proposals and Experiment » In Proceeding in Computational Statistics 2002, 15th Symposium held in Berlin, Allemagne, 2002 Haerdle, Wolfgang; Roenz, Bernd (Eds.), Physica Verlag, 243-248, 2002.
B. El Murr, G. Youness, R. Assaf. Determinant Factors of Teaching Performance in COVID-19 Context. Education Journal, 2024, 13 (1), ⟨10.11648/⟩.
G. Youness, A. Aalah. An Explainable Artificial Intelligence Approach for Remaining Useful Life Prediction. Aerospace, 2023, 10 (5), pp.1-23. ⟨10.3390/aerospace10050474⟩.
N. Nehme, Ch. Haydar, Z. Al-Jarf, F. Abou Abbas, N. Moussa, G.Youness, and K.Tarawneh assessment of the physicochemical and microbiological water quality of al -Zahrani River Basin, Lebanon. JJEES, à apparaitre vol.12 (2) March 2021.
F.Charif, R. Hamdan, G. Youness et al., Dual antiplatelet therapy up to the time of non-elective coronary artery bypass grafting with prophylactic platelet transfusion: is it safe?, journal of Cardiothoracic surgery, vol.14 (1): 202, 2019.
H. Diab, Z. Salemeh, G. Hamedeh, G. Youness, F. Ayoub, « Oral Health Status of Institutionalized Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities in Lebanon», Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Research (JOMR), vol.8(1), 2017.
G. Youness, G. Saporta « Comparing partitions of two sets of units based on the same variables», Journal of Advances in Data Analysis and Classification , vol. 4, Issue 1, 53-64, 2010.
G. Youness, G. Saporta « Some Measures of Agreement between Close Partitions », Journal of Student, vol 5 (1), 1-12, 2004.
G. Youness, G. Saporta « Une Méthodologie pour la Comparaison de Partitions », Revue de la Statistique Appliquée, vol. LII (1), 97-120, 2004.
July 2020-June 2021: Member of the European Conecte- Erasmus+ project (Collaborative Network for Career-building, Training, and E-learning). R trainer and data analysis expert, as part of the European project Conecte, which proposes innovative solutions to support Lebanese universities in their transition to digital transition.
September 2018-September 2019: Expert with Ebiznext (Paris) for the setting up of the website self-training website in data sciences.
November 2014-December 2014: Expert within the framework of the European project Human Dynamics EuropeAid /134115 / D / SER / LB, for the SPSS training of employees of the Central Association of Statistics-CAS and this within the framework of the program “Support to the reform of public financial management in the government of Lebanon”.
November 2004 – August 2005: Data analysis expert at the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) for the National Forest Assessment Program in Lebanon (TCP / Leb / 2903), in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture.
Overview Publications
Overview (2004-2024)
ACL : 8
C-ACTI : 7
C-ACTN : 4
C-COM : 2
AP : 1