Perspectives and structuring for scientific progress

The studies and prospective work carried out jointly by the Research and Studies Departments and presented to CESI’s Executive Committee and Scientific Council have made it possible to define the thematic orientations for the CESI LINEACT 2030 team. The proposed new plan is divided into 8 themes:

In order to support this new structuring and the strong growth in staff numbers, we have launched an initial campaign in 2022 to appoint scientific coordinators for these themes. The missions of these theme coordinators, in consultation with the managers of the Engineering and Digital Tools team, are to :

  • update the 3-year national roadmap;
  • coordinate the roadmap with the team’s researchers;
  • organize thematic meetings;federate responses to Call for Projects;
  • promote the integration of new reserchers;
  • identify thematic publication supports;
  • contribute to the drafting of materials for audits,
  • communications and activity reports.

At the end of this first campaign, 4 animators were appointed. A new campaign has been launched in 2024 for the themes not yet filled. The following matrix cross-references the team’s research themes with its application areas, and indicates the maturity of the activity at laboratory level (activity established or under development/project) as well as the scientific leaders for the themes selected in the first campaign.

Towards digital and environmental innovation

This scientific project is being developed in line with the overall strategy of the CESI LINEACT laboratory and regional, national and European research and innovation strategies, in order to contribute to the challenges linked to the digital and environmental transformations of businesses and society. Team 2 will build on the strategic development actions initiated during the previous period:

  • the integration into the team of the new teacher-researchers who have just joined or who will be recruited to CESI over the period.
  • Continuing to develop collaborative research projects (PIA, ANR, European projects, etc.) and supporting the laboratory’s transfer and outreach activities.
  • Promoting and disseminating scientific work.Strengthening and developing active collaborations with academic players.Pursuing and strengthening partnerships with local companies (Oreka Ingénierie, Avelis, Pilgrim, etc.).Continued active participation of the team’s teacher-researchers in the implementation of the Building of the Future, Industry of the Future and Robotics platforms, together with their digital twins.
  • Support for the introduction of new training courses based on the team’s research and monitoring activities.

The dynamic collaboration with the Learning and Innovating team continues, notably on issues of human-system interaction, integration of human factors and behaviors, and instrumented learning environments based on XR-interfaced Digital Twins. This is reflected in a strong dynamic of joint responses to calls for projects and thesis projects.