Human-System Interactions Theme

Discover the theme : “Human-System Interactions Theme”

Theme presentation

Application Areas

  • Construction 4. 0 and sustainable city
  • Industry 5.0
  • Digital services

Key Research Questions

  • How to model and exploit business data and knowledge for digital twins interfaced in XR?
  • How to estimate pose and detect human, objects and behaviors (action, gesture of interest, emotion) with a frugal AI approach in an industrial environment?
  • How to update the digital twin using perception information?

Illustrations of Scientific Activity

Dallel et al., 2023. Digital twin of an industrial workstation: A novel method of an auto-labeled data generator using virtual reality for human action recognition in the context of human–robot collaboration. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. hal-04064208

JENII Project (Interactive and Immersive Digital Learning Twins), France 2030 – DEMOES, 42 Months. R&D on the Digital Twins of the Industry of the Future and Metal Additive Manufacturing platforms.

Feddoul et al., 2023. Exploring human-machine collaboration in industry: a systematic literature review of digital twin and robotics interfaced with extended reality technologies. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. hal-04305917


  • AL ASSAAD Hiba
  • ALBOODY Ahed
  • ASSILA Ahlem
  • BARANGE Mukesh
  • BAUDRY David, HDR
  • BOHI Amine
  • CHAIEB Ramzi
  • DING Yuehua, HDR
  • DUPUIS Yohan, HDR
  • DUVAL Fabrice, HDR
  • EL ZAHER, Madeleine
  • HAVARD Vincent, HDR
  • HINDAWI Mohammed
  • MOURCHID Youssef
  • NOBLECOURT Sylvain
  • PREAULT Célestin
  • RAGOT Nicolas
  • SALMI Rim
  • ZGHAL Mourad, HDR

PhD Students:

  • CHOUDHARY Sunil, Pose estimation of lightly textured objects in an industrial context, 2024
  • BENMESSABIH Toufik, Continuous camera-based analysis and recognition of human movement for human-robot interaction and workstation design in an Industry 5.0 context, 2023
  • COURALLET, Alexandre, Demonstration editing of complex scenarios involving human and autonomous agents in an industrial context in an immersive digital twin, 2023
  • KOFFI Yao Tresor, Towards a multimodal approach using machine/deep learning: application for patient monitoring in a connected space, 2023
  • OLLEIK Hossein , Coupling visual and proprioceptive odometry for mapping self-calibrated heterogeneous carriers in a dynamic and complex environment without GPS, 2023
  • FEDDOUL Yassine, Contextual information from the digital twin in augmented perception for industrial robotics and human-robot collaboration, 2022
  • ACHOUR Abdessalem, Real-time semantic mapping via data fusion from individual perceptions of a swarm of mobile robots in a human-robot industrial context, 2021