Management and decision-making Theme – Planning, dynamic scheduling and control

Discover the theme : “Management and decision-making – Planning, dynamic scheduling and control”

Theme presentation

Application Areas

  • Construction 4. 0 and sustainable city
  • Industry 5.0
  • Digital services

Key Research Questions

  • How can we design human-centered, resilient, and sustainable production systems using artificial intelligence techniques and RO approaches?
  • How can we optimize the use of new technologies in production systems?
  • What are the operational, tactical, and strategic decision-making mechanisms under uncertainty?
  • How can we optimize planning and scheduling for both forward and reverse supply chains?

Illustrations of Scientific Activity

  • Sanogo et al., 2023. A multi-agent system simulation based approach for collision avoidance in integrated Job-Shop Scheduling Problem with transportation tasks. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. hal-04055057
  • Gantt chart showing the gap between optimal and simulated scheduling. <GapOtimSim.png>
  • Zaidi, L., Bettayeb, B., & Sahnoun, M. H. (2021, May). Optimisation and simulation of transportation tasks in flexible job shop with multi-robot systems. In 2021 1st International Conference On Cyber Management And Engineering (CyMaEn) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  • Simulation of an optimal plan using Gazebo. < Simulation_GA.mp4>
  • Xu, Y., Sahnoun, M. H., Ben Abdelaziz, F., & Baudry, D. (2022). A simulated multi-objective model for flexible job shop transportation scheduling. Annals of Operations Research, 311(2), 899-920.
  • Multi-agent simulation of dynamic scheduling. < Xterm.mp4 >
  • Allal, A., Sahnoun, M. H., Adjoudj, R., Benslimane, S. M., & Mazar, M. (2021). Multi-agent based simulation-optimization of maintenance routing in offshore wind farms. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 157, 107342.
  • Multi-agent system for sim-optimization of wind farm maintenance. < mulitagentsystem eoliennes.png >
  • Brik, B., Messaadia, M., Sahnoun, M. H., Bettayeb, B., & Benatia, M. A. (2022). Fog-supported low-latency monitoring of system disruptions in industry 4.0: A federated learning approach. ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), 6(2), 1-23.

Theme Leader: SAHNOUN M’hammed


  • BENCHEIKH Ghita​
  • BETTAYEB​ Belgacem​
  • BEZOUI​ Madani​
  • CAILLARD​ Simon​
  • GARCIA​ David​
  • HLEISS​ Rima​
  • NAIT CHABANE​ Ahmed​
  • NOUINOU​ Hajar​
  • SAHNOUN​ M’hammed​
  • TLAHIG​ Houda​
  • EL KIHEL Yousra
  • BELHOCINE Latifa
  • GUENOUNOU Ouahib
  • ZAIDI Imen
  • SKAF Ali
  • HORCHANI Leila

PhD Students

  • SANOGO Kader, Optimization of the scheduling of transport tasks for collaborative intelligent robots in the context of Industry 5.0, 2021
  • HEMONO Pierre, Multi-objective optimization of human-robot collaboration based on artificial intelligence: application to the aerospace industry, 2021
  • BOUAZIZ Noureddine, Predictive dynamic scheduling of flexible production workshops under uncertainty of human behavior, 2022
  • DESTOUET Candice, Application of AI techniques to dynamic scheduling problems in flexible job shop workshops in the context of Industry 5.0, 2022
  • MHANNA Joyce, Dynamic scheduling of production, energetically flexible and integrating renewable energy sources, 2023
  • BEN CHABANE Rachida, Green-JIT² – Just in Time organization method for sustainable integrated scheduling of production and delivery, 2023
  • ABDELLAOUI Rekia, Planning the mobility of higher education students through a dynamic and multimodal system, 2023
  • MEFTAH Salima, Towards intelligent human-machine interfaces for decision making support, 2022
  • ABDERRAHIM Younes, Location of Waste Treatment Centers Around Algerian Cities, 2023
  • SAKER Wiam, Dynamic scheduling of human-centered flexible production workshops in the context of Industry 5.0, 2023
  • ALLAL Lilia Ghizlene, Performance and mutualization of the value chain of vegetable farming by optimizing resources and improving information, 2023
  • AZZOUG Asma, Contributions to the design of flexible hub networks under quality of service constraints, 2023
  • BOUALI Rym, Optimal resource planning and location for wildfire risk prevention, 2023