Modeling, Design, and Architecture of CPS Theme

Discover the theme : “Modeling, Design, and Architecture of CPS”

Theme presentation

Application Areas:

  • Industry 5.0
  • Digital Services
  • Construction 4.0 and Sustainable city

Key Research Questions:

  • How can the modeling of CPS be optimized to enhance their robustness and adaptability?
  • What key architectural principles ensure the security, reliability, and optimal performance of CPS?

Illustrations of Scientific Activity:

  • An enhanced consensus protocol to certify and secure transactions among the components of a hybrid CPS.

Elgharbi, S.E., Ouchani, S., Boudouaia, M.A. and Malki, M., 2023. A smart mining strategy for    blockchain-enabled cyber-physical system. In 31th IEEE International Conference on Enabling               Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2023.

  • Optimize federated learning to better meet the requirements of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), with a focus on three main aspects: privacy, security, and heterogeneity.

Guendouzi, B.S., Ouchani, S., Al-Assaad, H. and Jradi, M., 2023. Fedga-meta: Federated learning framework using genetic algorithms and meta-learning for aggregation in industrial cyber-physical system. In International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience.

  • Catalog and identify the techniques and requirements necessary for developing a digital twin suitable for CPS.

Kamdjou, H.M., Baudry, D., Havard, V. and Ouchani, S., 2024. Resource-Constrained eXtended Reality Operated With Digital Twin in Industrial Internet of Things. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.

Theme Leader: OUCHANI Samir


  • BOUDOUAIA Mohammed-Amine
  • BRAHMIA Mohamed-El-Amine
  • DOLLINGER Jean-Francois
  • ITURRALDE Mauricio
  • KAMDJOU Hugues-Marie
  • TASIDOU Aimilia

PhD Students:

  • ARBAOUI Meriem, Federated Learning for IoMT Networks: Resource Optimization and Privacy Mechanisms, 2023
  • BAAHMED Ahmed, Computational Efficiency of Federated Learning Techniques on Edge-Cloud Infrastructure, 2023
  • EL GHORBI Salah Eddine, Performance of Multi-hop Wireless Networks in Maritime Environments, 2022
  • GUENDOUZI Badra Souhila, A Robust, Smart, and Sound Decentralized Decision Support System for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (R2S2D2S-ICPS), 2022.
  • RIAHI Kenza, A Smart and Trusted Healthcare System based on Optimal Block Chains, 2021
  • TERMOS Mortada, Anomaly Detection in IoT Networks through Complex Networks and AI Techniques, 2022
  • ZAIMEN Khaoula, Optimization of Sensor Deployment in Smart Buildings, 2021