• Conference

Author : Oussama Tahan (LIU)

Conférence : Communications avec actes dans un congrès international - 29/12/2018 - 14th International Computer Engineering Conference

Education is one of the most vital stages, because it has severe effects on the person’s rest of life. The well-educated people contribute in the citizenship life, professional and social life. Unfortunately, some students have learning disabilities and must be treated and oriented to the corresponding specialists in order to continue their education successfully and to be effective in the society in the future. The problem of learning disabilities increases, and unfortunately the teachers do not have the enough time to refer the specialists or navigate online searching for solutions about how to deal with students with learning difficulties. Our system was developed in order to help the teachers take the right decisions.
It is about a virtual reality game, made with unity 3D software
and Autodesk Maya. The game trains teachers and helps them
live real-life scenarios. It also shows them a list of possible
actions to take. The game will indicate to teachers if their
decisions were correct or not or partially correct. An analysis is
done for each case in order to help teacher better understand
why their decisions were correct or not. The game is made helpful, accessible, exciting and easy to use by teachers. It is successfully built and can be played on android devices and on PCs.