• Conference

A Multi-layer System for Smart-Buildings’ Functional and Energy-Efficiency Awareness Implementation on a real five-floors building

Author : Roozbeh Sadeghian Broujeny (LISSI)

Conférence : Communications avec actes dans un congrès international - 08/11/2017 - The 8th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology

The challenging problem of energy consumption of
building, and in a more general way of cities, and its enormous
growth due to recent decades’ human activities leaded to an
appealing development of fields focusing smart buildings and
smart cities regarding energy efficiency. Ability to avoid of
wasting energy is appealing now and thus researchers are looking for new energy consumption trend and new way for building energy management system. However, such smart edifices or cities have to integrate the ability of their own awareness as well about the environment in which they evolve as about the impact of their users on their energy efficiency. Within this context, in this paper we introduce a multi-layer system able as well to monitor as to control energy consumption and state of a building, proffering the buildings a kind of self-awareness about its energetic state. The investigated system has been implemented in a five-floors building of Senart Campus of UPEC (one of main campuses of this Parisian university) providing an appealing experimental platform for validation of the investigated concept. The present paper describes the aforementioned system and gives first results of validation of the investigated system.