• Paper

A possible direct recycling of dredged sediments from the Usumacinta River(Mexico) into fired bricks

Abstract: Reuse of dredged sediments is an effective approach to waste management. This study focuses on the reuse of Usumacinta River dredged sediments in fired bricks. Physico-chemical characteristics of sediments were investigated for their reuse. The grain size of sediments shows that Usumacinta sediments have a sandy texture with low organic matter. The presence of contaminants in these sediments is negligible. Suitability for bricks was observed with a clay workability chart, Winkler, and Augustinik diagram. Bricks were molded into cubic and prismatic brick specimens of size 20 × 20 × 20 mm3 and 15 × 15 × 60 mm3 for compressive and tensile strength. The molding moisture content of sediments was defined with the Sembenelli diagram. Bricks were dried at 60 ℃ and fired at a temperature of 700 to 1100 ℃. Linear shrinkage and density of Usumacinta sediments bricks increase with increasing temperature. Clayey sediments (T2 and J4) show higher shrinkage on drying. Testing of bricks shows their compressive strength varies between 0.10 to 19.38 MPa and the indirect tensile strength varies from 0.17 to 12.82 MPa. T2 sediment bricks have the lowest strength due higher percentage of sand. The compressive strength of bricks from T5 and J4 is comparatively higher and satisfies the strength requirements of bricks at a moderate temperature of 850 ℃.