• Conference
  • Engineering and Numerical Tools

Conférence : Communications avec actes dans un congrès international

dditive manufacturing is a leading technology that is
offering flexibility in production : on site production, close to
the needs therefore reducing logistics and lead time . Movable
solutions exist to deploy an additive manufacturing system on
site using container , which is easy to transport N evertheless,
there was no movable solution i nc lu di ng t he a ll v al ue c ha in of
additive manufacturing in respect of s af et y standards of powder
laser melting t echnology We d ecided to d evelop a patented
solution to deploy additive manufacturing for on site
production . This paper summarizes the technical development
of the metal AM plant using recyc led and standardized
containers after arranging and modifying it. We integrate t he
entire value chain from powder storage to thermal heat
treatment, including a powder bed fusion equipment and
embedded a 1 30 square meter area . W e developed this pla nt as
modular, removable and transportable. In line with the higher
safety standards, especially for dealing with metal powder risk,
this AM plant includes an ATEX area for the hazardous or
explosive environments. We confirmed the benefits of this
solution : this plant was built in Lyon and moved to Paris with
success . New challenges are discussed about connectivity of the
equipment with peripherals and extend this concept to other
AM technologies.