• Conference
  • Engineering and Numerical Tools

An Agile Development For Platoon System Based on Verification and Validation

Conférence : Communications avec actes dans un congrès international

This paper introduces a verification and validation
(V&V) process in a product life-cycle, where we consider a
V&V process as the composition of the three tasks: formal
verification, simulation and experimentation. The considered
application is a platoon system, a set of autonomous vehicles
that move together without any material connection. The
platoon system development considers the specification of the
SafePlatoon project1. Main goal of the V&V process is to
put to the proof the platoon controller (Decision making
unit). V&V is then a corner stone for critical functions that
require zero default. Algorithm and hardware must respect
some security concerns such as collision free between platoon
vehicles, platoon integrity, obstacles avoidance, and etc. After
a specification phase, where safety properties are defined, a
classical or agile V&V cycle can be applied.
In the case of SafePlatoon project, where different partners are
evolving simultaneously on the models, an agile development
method is used; where formal verification and benchmark
simulation works together in order to improve model’s safety.
Formal verification is made using The SAL model checker.