• Paper
  • Engineering and Numerical Tools

Modelling and simulation of operation and maintenance strategy for offshore wind farms based on multi-agent system

Authors : M'hammed Sahnoun (LINEACT), David Baudry (LINEACT), Navonil Mustafee (ISR), Anne Louis (IRISE), Philip Andi Smart (ISR), Phil Godsiff (ISR), Bélahcène Mazari (LINEACT)

Article : Articles dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture - 30/11/2015 - Journal of intelligent manufacturing

Maintenance of offshore wind turbines is a complex and costly undertaking which acts as a barrier to the development of this source of energy. Factors such as the size of the turbines, the size of the wind farms, their distance from the coast and meteorological conditions make it difficult for the stakeholders to select the optimal maintenance strategy. With the objective of reducing costs and duration of such operations it is important that new maintenance techniques are investigated. In this paper we propose a hybrid model of maintenance that is based on multi-agent systems; this allows for the modelling of systems with dynamic interactions between multiple parts. A multi-criteria decision algorithm has been developed to allow analysis and selection of different maintenance strategies. A cost model that includes maintenance action cost, energy loss and installation of monitoring system cost has been presented. For the purposes of this research we have developed a simulator using NetLogo software and have provided experimental results. The results show that employing the proposed hybrid maintenance strategy could increase wind farm productivity and reduce maintenance cost.