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    • Conference
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Une revue systématique de la littérature autour du biais, de l’équité et de l’explicabilité

    Ce travail fournit une analyse d’une bibliographie autour du biais de l’équité et de l’explicabilité des algorithmes de l’IA entre 2015 et 2022. Par une approche de Traite ment Automatique du Langage Naturel, plus précisément la LDA, nous avons extraits 8 sujets traités par cette biblio graphie. Une analyse de la popularité de ces sujets […]

    • Conference
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    A comparative study of meta-heuristic algorithms for WSN deployment problem in indoor environments

    The wireless sensor deployment problem is one of the major issues in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). It involves designing the optimal network topology within the deployment area in order to maximize network coverage and lifetime and minimize cost and energy consumption under the connectivity constraint. The WSN deployment problem is a challenging NP-hard combinatorial optimization […]

    • Paper
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    A framework for modeling and analyzing cyber-physical systems using statistical model checking

    The trustworthiness of a cyber–physical system is essential for it to be qualified for utilization in most real-life deployments. This is especially critical for systems that deal with precious human lives. Although these safety-critical systems can be investigated using both experimental testing and model-based verification, accurate models have the potential to permit risk-free mimicking of […]

    • Paper
    • Learning and Innovating

    Sujets capables et environnements capacitants : des cadres pour penser les situations d’apprentissage pour et dans le travail.

    Cuvelier, L., & Fernagu, S. (2023). Sujets capables et environnements capacitants : des cadres pour penser les situations d’apprentissage pour et dans le travail. TransFormations – Recherches en Éducation et Formation des Adultes, 1(25), 130-147.

    • Paper
    • Learning and Innovating

    An integrated cognitive-motivational model of Ikigai (purpose in life) in the workplace

    In the Japanese philosophy of life, ‘ikigai’ broadly refers to having a ‘reason for living’, or a purpose in life. From a phenomenological and empirical viewpoint, ikigai is reported to increase human well-being and even life expectancy. However, it remains difficult to translate, define and formalize with regard to contemporary psychological theories. In this respect, […]

    • Paper
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Investigation of the Protection Efficiency of Repair Mortar Against Chloride Corrosion in Repaired Zones of Reinforced Concrete

    In this study, specimens with concrete interfaces and repair mortar were designed to simulate a concrete repair system to investigate the efficiency of seven polymer-based cement repair mortars when they were applied to concrete supports. The steel protection capacity of the mortars against chloride attack and chloride diffusion along the interface between the concrete support […]

    • Paper
    • Learning and Innovating

    Penser la présence : quelques pistes théoriques

    Contribution au débat de la revue Distances et médiations des savoirs sur la “Présence” à distance, dans laquelle je propose deux paradigmes pour comprendre la “présence” : le paradigme phénoménologique utilisé dans certains travaux concernant la réalité virtuelle, et le paradigme mésologique qui l’actualise.

    • Conference
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    A Hybrid Aggregation Approach for Federated Learning to Improve Energy Consumption in Smart Buildings

    As the world’s economy and urbanization develop rapidly, energy shortages and pollution are becoming major challenges. In general, buildings are responsible for approximately 40% of global energy consumption. To combat this challenge, the adoption of intelligent buildings is strongly recommended. Therefore, through the data collected by the smart buildings, effective solutions should be incorporated to […]

    • Conference
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Modelling the Integrated Production Scheduling and Vehicle Routing Problem

    In this paper, we study an integrated production scheduling and vehicle routing problem. On the production side, a set of jobs has to be scheduled on identical parallel machines considering release dates and due dates. On the deliv-ery side, orders must be delivered to customers using several vehicles with lim-ited capacity. The objective is to […]

    • Conference
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Octa Pillars-based Approach to Select the Best Blockchain-based Solutions in Healthcare Information Exchange

    Nowadays, health care has become a constant concern of all countries around the world, especially after the emergence of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and all its variants. Billions of dollars are being paid through the World Health Organization to improve health care. Scientific research laboratories play a pioneering role in this area as well. Due to […]

    • Scientific book chapter
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Understanding fracture mode-mixity and its effects on bond performance

    This chapter discusses the mixed-mode loading of adhesive joints. The importance of mixed-mode loading is first introduced and then test methods commonly used to measure the mixed-mode fracture resistance of adhesive joints are presented and briefly discussed. The approaches to determine the fracture resistance are briefly reviewed and then the partitioning of mixed-mode fracture energies […]

    • Conference
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Ordonnancement simultané de la production et la maintenance dans un atelier job-shop flexible

    Cet article propose un programme linéaire en nombre entiers pour l’ordonnancement conjoint et simultané de tâches de production et de maintenances prédictives basée sur la prévision de la dégradation. L’objectif est de trouver un ordonnancement qui minimise le temps total d’exécution en garantissant le maintien de l’état des machines sous un seuil de dégradation prédéfini. […]


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