A stochastic approach for extracting community-based backbones
Large-scale dense networks are very parvasive in various fields such as communication, social analytics, architecture, bio-metrics, etc. Thus, the need to build a compact version of the networks allowing their analysis is a matter of great importance. One of the main solutions to reduce the size of the network while maintaining its characteristics is backbone […]
Save Infant’s Live or Save Economic Growth? An Analysis by ARDL Approach: Case of India
India is one of the top 10 countries in CO2 emissions and it is considered one of the countries with the highest infant mortality rate. For these reasons, the state of health of population has become the object of studies and monitoring by many organizations and experts. In this study we try to analyze the […]
Distance project-based learning during lockdown and learner’s motivation
During the first lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic, project-based learning (PBL) had to be implemented remotely. To gain knowledge on this learning context, we monitored motivation (in Self-Determination Theory framework), flow, social identification and self-rated performance during a 10-day project conducted with 281 engineering students. Final grades were also collected as objective performance indicators. Results […]
Guide pratique de la pédagogie de l’alternance
Ces itérations peuvent prendre différences formes. Elles peuvent être potentialisées par une pédagogie qui permet, grâce aux pratiques pédagogiques mobilisées, 1 de se positionner sur l’apprentissage d’un métier (employabilité), 2 qui cherche à réduire les écarts entre la pratique et la théorie (réflexivité), 3 s’appuie sur l’expérience de formation (individualisation), 4 construit des parcours soutenants […]
Etat de l’art de la pédagogie de l’alternance: enjeux, pratiqeus et principes directeurs
Il est difficile de penser une ingénierie de l’alternance applicable à tous les contextes. Leur diversité, leurs particularismes, leurs contraintes et leurs ressources sont spécifiques (publics accueillis, rapports aux savoirs, compétences enseignantes, marché de l’emploi, tissus socioéconomiques, équipements et méthodes pédagogiques, etc.). Cela rend d’autant plus ardu l’identification de ses indicateurs d’efficacité. Pour autant, il […]
The NP-completeness of quay crane scheduling problem
This paper discusses the computational complexity of the quay crane scheduling problem (QCSP) in a maritime port. To prove that a problem is NP-complete, there should be no polynomial time algorithm for the exact solution, and only heuristic approaches are used to obtain near-optimal solutions but in reasonable time complexity. To address this, first we […]
A Survey of Artificial Intelligence Based WSNs Deployment Techniquesand Related Objectives Modeling
Recent advances in hardware and communication technologies have accelerated the deployment of billions of wireless sensors. This transformation has created a wide range of applications adapted to the evolving trends of our daily life requirements. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) could be deployed in several target areas including buildings, forests, oceans, and smart cities. Nevertheless, finding […]
GUEZ_Système d’instruments et environnement capacitant
Cet article s’intéresse au cours à distance en temps de pandémie. Nous proposons une analyse de dix entretiens d’explicitation avec des enseignants qui exercent dans l’enseignement supérieur pour répondre à deux objectifs : 1) identifier les instruments privilégiés et leurs usages pour assurer une continuité pédagogique à distance ; 2) distinguer les freins et leviers […]
AM modular plant for on-site production
A dditive manufacturing is a leading technology that is offering flexibility in production : on site production, close to the needs therefore reducing logistics and lead time . Movable solutions exist to deploy an additive manufacturing system on site using container , which is easy to transport N evertheless, there was no movable solution i […]
Comportements des PME en termes de pratiques d’innovation ouverte
Cet article vise à explorer les comportements existants au sein des PME en termes de pratiques d’innovation ouverte. L’objectif est d’aider les praticiens dans leur prise de décision concernant les pratiques à mettre en oeuvre et les stratégies d’innovation à poursuivre selon les caractéristiques organisationnelles des PME. Nos résultats, basés une enquête auprès de 85 […]
Leader-Assisted Client Selection for Federated Learning in IoT via the Cooperation of Nearby Devices
Federated learning is a form of distributed learning in which each participating node is handled as a client and is responsible for the training of a model using only its local data. The participation of inappropriate clients, on the other hand, may have a substantial impact on reliability, which would entail a significant consumption of […]
Building Occupancy Detection using Machine Learning-based Approaches: Evaluation and Comparison
Building occupants and systems have huge impact on total energy use of the building due to their interaction with the building envelope and systems. The human factor and their behavior play a significant role in this process, and their influence must be considered. As a result, occupant behavior analysis and their detection, estimation, and prediction […]
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