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    • Paper
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Mechanical tensile behaviour of cement paste/aggregate bond exposed to leaching

    An experimental program is oriented to the mechanical behaviour of the Interfacial Transition Zone (ITZ) exposed to leaching, for a single mix. Leaching kinetics of the degraded depth, measured through grey level on cross sections, reveals a maximum gap of 10 % between ITZ and bulk cement paste. ITZ, with a main thickness of 15 […]

    • Conference
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Optimisation des placements pour la micro-mobilité partagée

    Notre projet a pour objectif d’optimiser le placement des micro-véhicules en répondant aux inconvénient des solutions précédentes et en améliorant la décision des opérateurs pour stationner leurs flottes d’une manière stratégique, précise et accessible à tout le monde. En vue de cela, nous avons mis en œuvre une solution intitulée ML-SPO (Machine Learning-Based tool for […]

    • Paper
    • Learning and Innovating

    Les capabilités, une grille de lecture des conditions de la professionnalisation au travail et en formation

    La professionnalisation est souvent définie comme la mise en oeuvre d’actions permettant le développement continu et situé des compétences dans et par les situations de travail. Une telle définition ne permet pas de la différencier de la formation (sous ses différentes modalités : Formation En Situation de Travail, Simulation, Apprentissage en Situation de Travail, etc.), […]

    • Other production
    • Learning and Innovating

    Environnement capacitant et pouvoir d’agir : une grille de lecture utile pour manager les talents dans les organisations hospitalières

    La capacité des organisations à soutenir le développement des personnes est de plus en plus questionnée, tout comme celle des personnes à s’engager dans ce déve-loppement. Et si le cadre des capabilités et la notion d’environnement capacitant pouvaient éclairer cette dynamique, et notamment interroger la gestion des talents dans les organisations ?

    • Paper
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Lean-BIM approach for improving the performance of a construction project in the design phase

    Over the last decade, the construction industry has suffered from various issues affecting the planning processes, team management, and decision-making during the design phase. Today, the concepts of Lean construction and Building Information Modeling (BIM) overlap and bring solutions to all phases of a construction project. Numerous studies have shown that leveraging BIM data through […]

    • Paper
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    A Survey on Energy Storage: Techniques and Challenges

    Intermittent renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular, as storing stationary and mobile energy remains a critical focus of attention. Although electricity cannot be stored on any scale, it can be converted to other kinds of energies that can be stored and then reconverted to electricity on demand. Such energy storage systems can be based on […]

    • Conference
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    A MILP for Green Scheduling Integrating Human Factors

    The Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (FJSSP) has been widely studied in last decades. The emergence of technological advancements in the context of Industry 4.0 has brought many changes and made production scheduling more and more efficient. Today’s Industry 5.0 paradigm pays great attention to human factors and environmental considerations to enhance the system’s sustainability […]

    • Conference
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Planification multi-période, multi-sourcing d’approvisionnements avec délais stochastiques, prix dégressifs et coûts de flexibilité de livraison

    L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier le problème du réapprovisionnement multi-période avec des fournisseurs multiples sous des délais stochastiques et d’étudier les effets de la limite de capacité des fournisseurs, de la politique de prix dégressive et du coût de flexibilité de livraison.

    • Conference
    • Learning and Innovating
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    It’s not Just What You Do but also When You Do It: Novel Perspectives for Informing Interactive Public Speaking Training

    Most of the emerging public speaking training systems, while very promising, leverage temporal-aggregate features, which do not take into account the structure of the speech. In this paper, we take a different perspective, testing whether some well-known socio-cognitive theories, like first impressions or primacy and recency effect, apply in the distinct context of public speaking […]

    • Paper
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    AI-Powered Diagnosis of Skin Cancer: A Contemporary Review, Open Challenges and Future Research Directions

    The proposed research aims to provide a deep insight into the deep learning and machine learning techniques used for diagnosing skin cancer. While maintaining a healthy balance between both Machine Learning as well as Deep Learning, the study also discusses open challenges and future directions in this field. The research includes a comparison on widely […]

    • Conference
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Epileptic Seizure Detection Using the EEG Signal Empirical Mode Decomposition and Machine Learning

    Epileptic seizures affect millions of people worldwide. Medical treatments exist to help lessen the severity of the damage caused by these seizures. However, people with epilepsy still struggle with unexpected seizures. People who experience epileptic seizures have Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals that show different features in comparison to a healthy brain. In this study, EEG signals […]

    • Conference
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Heart Disease Identification Based on Butterfly Optimization and Machine Learning

    This paper aims to make use of The Physionet Challenge 2016 collection of normal and abnormal heart sound recordings that were classified by automated identification of PCG sounds to help detect heart diseases earlier and prevent incidents. People with heart diseases have been increasing and most of them lead to fatalities so the detection of […]


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