Pour une approche mésologique des « environnements capacitants » dans une perspective d’ingénierie
Le concept d’environnement capacitant est généralement abordé à partir de la théorie des capabilités d’Amartya Sen, rarement à partir des théories qui s’intéressent d’abord à l’autre partie du syntagme, à savoir l’environnement. Pourtant, certaines approches, comme la mésologie d’Augustin Berque, ou la théorie des affordances, de James J. Gibson, peuvent utilement compléter la conceptualisation des […]
Multi-Agent Cooperative Camera-Based Evidential Occupancy Grid Generation
About a decade ago the idea of cooperation has been introduced to self-driving with the aim to enhance safety in dangerous places such as intersections. Infrastructure-based cooperative systems emerged very recently bringing a new point of view of the scene and more computation power. In this paper, we want to go beyond the framework presented […]
Formative intervention for safety: challenging methods from Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT).
Ergonomics intervention is a key instrument to develop work safety, particularly to better understand the real conditions of work by analyzing the activity. In activity-oriented ergonomics’ tradition, intervention aims to develop knowledge for the transformation of work situations, but also, by doing such, to support the development of professionals. It’s for us a key point […]
What is the role of ethics in accreditation documentation from a global view?
Ethics in engineering has long been an important element in engineering programmes, however these subjects are often taught at a basic learning level with little attempt to connect to demonstrative learning outcomes. In recent years there has been a step change in the importance of ethics as an integral part of engineering programmes and is […]
Behaviour of masonry lateral loaded walls made with sediment-based bricks from the Usumacinta river (Mexico)
A B S T R A C T A feasibility study on Usumacinta River sediment-based bricks for resilient housing adapted to both climate change and seismic risks is performed on laterally loaded reduced-scale walls. Mortar formulations with different volume ratios of lime and sand (2/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/6) are prepared while different types of sediment-based […]
VAE et Pouvoir d’agir: pour une VAE capacitante
EN quoi la VAE participe au développement du pouvoir d’agir
SYMPOSIUM Nouvelles situations d’apprentissage et tutorat instrumenté, vers de nouvelles formes de formation et de recherche ?
Le tutorat dans les situations d’apprentissage instrumentées
Analysis of the Complementarity of Latent and Concept Spaces for Cross-Modal Video Search
This paper focuses on studying the complementarity between the spaces from hybrid cross-modal state-of-the-art systems for video retrieval like [5]. We aim at investigating if these spaces really convey different features, or if they are representing the same things. We use PCA (Principal Component Analysis) to study the optimal dimensions, CCA (Canonical Correlation Analysis) to […]
A VR Training Scenario Editor for Operation in Construction Based on BIM 4D and Domain Expert Authoring
Purpose Virtual Reality based training is an efficient and promising digital tool. In the construction industry, studies have been conducted on the realization of virtual reality scenarios for construction operations, but the challenges lie in procedural scenario creation based on the knowledge and digital data of the construction project. Design/methodology/approach A new system and interface […]
Genetic Algorithm Based Aggregation for Federated Learning in Industrial Cyber Physical Systems
During the last decade, Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS) have attracted a significant amount of interest from industries as well as academic institutions. These kinds of systems have proved to be very complicated, and it may be a difficult task to get a handle on their architecture and make sure everything works properly. By putting up […]
Consequences of scalping and scalping/replacement procedures on strength properties of coarse-grained soils
Evaluation of shear strength characteristics of coarse-grained soils by performing laboratory tests resorts often to a scalping or scalping/replacement procedure due to the presence of oversized particles in comparison with the device size. This work aims to study consequences of these two procedures on the resulting shear strength characteristics. Experimental tests are performed on original […]
Errare humanum est? A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Human-Likeness of a AI Othello Playing Agent
Olivaw is an AI Othello playing agent which autonomously learns how to improve its gameplay by playing against itself. Some topnotch players (including former World Champions) reported that they had the impression that Olivaw’s gameplay was human-like. To better investigate the processes related to these impressions, we conducted a pilot study using the Othello Game […]
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