From Process Modelling to Planning Simulation Undr Uncertainty in Crisis Rescue Management
Based on the dramatic experiences that have faced France and Lebanon such as the Beirut explosion in 2020 and Paris attack in 2015, the response phase challenges are related to information, communication, resources and coordination. The operational management of crisis situations requires the mobilization and rapid coordination of the various emergency services. Unfortunately, this interdepartmental […]
SynWoodScape: Synthetic Surround-view Fisheye Camera Dataset for Autonomous Driving
Surround-view cameras are a primary sensor for automated driving, used for near-field perception. It is one of the most commonly used sensors in commercial vehicles primarily used for parking visualization and automated parking. Four fisheye cameras with a 190° field of view cover the 360° around the vehicle. Due to its high radial distortion, the […]
A new framework to solve flexible jobshop scheduling problems in the context of Industry 5.0
Human intervention is reduced in Industry 4.0 through automation of the manufacturing process. Today, Industry 5.0 puts human beings at the center of the industry, using their creativity and expertise in collaboration with powerful, intelligent and precise machines with two goals: to bring back a human touch in the industry and to have more personalized […]
Machine Learning Identifies Chronic Low Back Pain Patients from an Instrumented Trunk Bending and Return Test
Nowadays, the better assessment of low back pain (LBP) is an important challenge, as it is the leading musculoskeletal condition worldwide in terms of years of disability. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relevance of various machine learning (ML) algorithms and Sample Entropy (SampEn), which assesses the complexity of motion variability in […]
Relation between durability and mechanical properties on glass fiber reinforced slag-based geopolymer
This work seeks to improve the understanding of the durability of pure slag-based geopolymer composites containing glass fibers. Degradation by attack of saline mist, simulated by the salt-spray essay, was carried out for a period of 30 days. The test simulates the conditions found in the sea and nearby environments. The chamber works at relative […]
Éléments d’état de l’art sur la cartographie sémantique et son applicabilité en environnement industriel
La sécurité dans la collaboration homme-robot est l’un des principaux défis de l’industrie 5.0. Les robots doivent à présent s’adapter à l’humain. Ils évaluent et améliorent le système de navigation sur la base de technologies de cartographie sémantique qui permet de conduire un raisonnement clair. Ces cartes permettent aux robots de comprendre l’environnement qui les […]
La dimension humaine de la transition écologique
Bien que le sujet écologique occupe une place inédite et importante dans le débat public aujourd’hui, les politiques des états et les stratégies des grands groupes semblent parfois en décalage avec la hauteur de l’enjeu. Si les universitaires ont eu un rôle central dans l’évaluation de la situation, au travers des rapports du GIEC en […]
Pocheco, une PME engagée dans la transition écologique
Pocheco est une petite fabrique d’enveloppes du Nord de la France que rien ne prédestinait à être pionnière dans la transformation écologique de l’industrie. Aujourd’hui, son efficacité écologique est exemplaire : autosuffisance en eau industrielle, autosuffisance en énergie renouvelable, approvisionnements non destructeurs de l’environnement, déchets triés et valorisés à 100%, perméabilité de 85% de la […]
Compétences et capabilités
Différences et points de convergence
Integration of Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality with Building Information Modeling: A Systematic Review
Thanks to the digital revolution, the construction industry has seen a recognizable evolution, where the world has been heading towards modern constructions based on the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM). This evolution was marked by the integration of this paradigm with immersive technologies like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). […]
Two-stage stochastic program for disassembly lot-sizing under random ordering lead time
This study addresses disassembly lot-sizing that determines the ordering and disassembly schedules of end-of-life (EOL) products and subassemblies to satisfy items demands. A stochastic version with uncertain ordering lead time (OLT) is considered for the first time. Here, OLT represents the time elapsed between placing an order and receiving it (only an EOL product can […]
Sim-optimization hybrid approach for scheduling randomly deteriorating treatment tasks in horticulture
In this paper, we study the problem of scheduling robotized tasks in the context of Agriculture 4.0. The objective is to optimize the treatment tasks of plants against an evolving disease (mildew) within a greenhouse. The treatment is performed using a type-C ultraviolet radiation (UV-C) by a UV-Robot. We propose a semi-dynamic simulation-optimization approach based […]
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