A new approach for removing point cloud outliers using box plot
Cleaning a point cloud building is challenging issue, it is crucial for a better representation of the scan-to-BIM 3D model. During the scan, the point cloud is in generally influenced by several factors. The scanner can provide false data due to reflections on reflective surfaces like mirrors, windows, etc. The false points can form a […]
Functional and Dysfunctional modelling and assessment of an Emergency Responce Plan
The objective of crisis management is to limit the impact of a feared event that has occurred and to restore the conditions corresponding to a nominal situation. In this context, we will focus on emergency response plans for mass casualty crises. In this paper, we propose a functional modelling of the French generic emergency plan, […]
Multi-agent Dynamic Planning for Crisis Rescue Plans
We are interested in rescue management in crises such as in terrorist attacks. Today, there are emergency plans that take into account all the stakeholders involved in a crisis depending on the event type, magnitude and place. Unfortunately, they do not anticipate the evolution of the crisis situation such as traffic and hospital overcrowding. In […]
In this paper we present the preliminary results of simulation-based experiments of an integrated scheme that has been proposed to control taxi supply-demand imbalance in the context of a smart city with multiple taxi operators and using Connected Mobility. We particularly explore the difference between centralized and decentralized implementations of the scheme as well as […]
IdeAM Running Quiz: A digital learning game to enhance Additive Manufacturing opportunities discovery
This paper provides a description of IdeAM Running Quiz, a learning game aiming at enhancing Additive Manufacturing (AM) op- portunities learning. Firstly, a review of the literature on the Design and Additive Manufacturing methodologies and the educational effective- ness of learning games is presented. Then, the steps involved in the de- sign of IdeAM Running […]
Accelerated Variant of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Light Control with Non-Stationary User Behaviour
In the context of smart building energy management, we address in this work the problem of controlling light so as to minimise energy usage of the building while maintaining the satisfaction of the user regarding comfort using a stateless Reinforcement Learning approach. We consider that the user can freely interact with the building and changes […]
Stable keypoints selection for 2D LiDAR based place recognition with map data reduction
This paper presents a new feature based approach for place recognition using 2D LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) data. The main contribution lies in the mapping process. It includes a keypoint selection strategy to model places with persistent keypoints from concatenated LiDAR scans. Our objective is to achieve map data reduction while maintaining good place […]
A Survey on Silicon PUFs
Integrated Circuits (ICs) and electronic devices have become an integral part of daily human life (mobile, home, car, etc.). However, specific security measures should be taken to protect the communicated information to and from these devices. However, the existing conventional security primitives require large amounts of memory capacity, processing power, and energy resources that contradict […]
Millimeter Wave FMCW RADARs for perception, recognition and localization in automotive applications: A survey
MmWave (millimeter wave) Frequency Modulated Continuous Waves (FMCW) RADARs are sensors based on frequency-modulated electromagnetic which see their environment in 3D at a long-range. The recent introduction of millimeter-wave RADARs with frequencies from 60 GHz to 300 GHz has broadened their potential applications thanks to their improved accuracy in angle, range, and velocity. MmWave FMCW […]
Leveraging Quantity Surveying Data and BIM to Automate Mechanical and Electrical (M & E) Construction Planning
Abstract: Despite the great potential of LPS and BIM to improve construction project productivity, the full integration of these modern production and information management systems at the data processing level is not yet achieved. After matching the literature to empirical studies in a Constructive Research Approach, it emerged that very few studies have investigated how […]
Evaluation of the strain-based partitioning method for mixed-mode I+II fracture of bi-material cracks
The goal of this paper is to evaluate the strain-based partitioning method (SBM), an analytical method based on beam analysis, for the mixed-mode fracture characterization of asymmetric cracks. The fracture energy is calculated at the crack tip of mixed-mode bending (MMB) test with asymmetric geometry and asymmetric material parameters. The fracture energy obtained using SBM […]
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