Generative Adversarial Networks for face generation: A survey Just Accepted
Recently, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have received enormous progress, which makes them able to learn complex data distributions in particular faces. More and more efficient GAN architectures have been designed and proposed to learn the different variations of faces, such as cross pose, age, expression and style. These GAN based approaches need to be reviewed, […]
A comparative study of semantic segmentation of omnidirectional images from a motorcycle perspective
The semantic segmentation of omnidirectional urban driving images is a research topic that has increasingly attracted the attention of researchers, because the use of such images in driving scenes is highly relevant. However, the case of motorized two-wheelers has not been treated yet. Since the dynamics of these vehicles are very diferent from those of […]
Fiscal cyclicality asymmetries and public debt: New evidence from panel endogenous threshold model
The purpose of this paper is to verify the role of public debt in the fiscal cyclical response for a sample of 19 OECD countries over the period 1980-2017 using the threshold model proposed by Seo and Shine (2016). We reveal first that throughout the cycle the crossing of a threshold estimated at 85% leads […]
Towards an Interoperable Approach for Modelling and Managing Smart Building Data: The Case of the CESI Smart Building Demonstrator
Buildings have a significant impact on energy consumption and carbon emissions. Smart buildings are deemed to play a crucial role in improving the energy performance of buildings and cities. Managing a smart building requires the modelling of data concerning smart systems and components. While there is a significant amount of research on optimising building energy […]
A Dataset and Methodology for Self-Efficacy Feeling Prediction During Industry 4.0 VR Activity
Virtual Reality Learning Environments (VRLE) have advantages in training contexts. However, VRLE lacks of User-adaptive system which adapt scenario to the user’s state. As there is a lack of multi-sensor dataset, this paper presents the IVRASED dataset collected in an industrial VRLE with the following sensors: electroencephalogram (EEG), eye-tracking (ET), galvanic skin response (GSR) and […]
A Sliding Window Based Approach With Majority Voting for Online Human Action Recognition using Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
Nowadays, Human Action Recognition (HAR) has become an important issue since it is widely used in video surveillance, humanrobot collaboration in industry, etc. Developing such accurate and efficient algorithms remains a difficult task because of the high variability of the human shapes, postures, as well as the complexity of their movements but more importantly when […]
Stochastic program for disassembly lot-sizing under uncertain component refurbishing lead times
Planning disassembly operations for a given demand in components is challenging in practice because the quality of recovered components is very uncertain, and thus the duration of refurbishing operations is unpredictable. In this paper, we address the capacitated disassembly lot-sizing problems under uncertain refurbishing durations. More precisely, we consider a two-level disassembly system with a […]
Distributed reinforcement learning for the management of a smart grid interconnecting independent prosumers
In the context of an eco-responsible production and distribution of electrical energy at 2 the local scale of an urban territory, we consider a smart grid as a system interconnecting different 3 prosumers which all retain their decision-making autonomy and defend their own interests in a 4 comprehensive system which rules, accepted by all, encourage […]
Analyzing Short and Long run Causality Relationship among Public Spending, Renewable Energy Consumption, Non-renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: Evidence from Eight of South Mediterranean Countries (SMCs)
This study aims to analyse the causal link in the short-run and long-run between economic growth, renewable energy, non-renewable energy and public spending in eight countries of the South Mediterranean Countries group during the 1980–2020 periods. Four steps are used: augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillip Perron unit root tests to check the order of stationarity of […]
Un problème de planification de désassemblage sous incertitude de rendement
La planification de désassemblage se préoccupe du nombre de chaque type de produit retourné à démonter afin de répondre à une demande en pièces. Cependant, ce problème semble être compliqué à cause de plusieurs facteurs. Tout d’abord, la structure ou la nomenclature du produit en fin de vie (PFV) ne facilite pas la modélisation puisque […]
Une approche basée sur l’agrégation des scénarios pour résoudre un problème de planification de désassemblage sous incertitude des délais de remise à neuf
De nos jours, la recherche sur les procédés de désassemblage suscite un intérêt croissant. L’objectif principal est d’obtenir des composants de valeur et de séparer ceux qui peuvent affecter l’environnement [1]. Cependant, le processus de désassemblage est devenu très vulnérable et loin d’être déterministe. En effet, il implique un degré élevé de variabilité associé au […]
Hygrothermal performance of multilayer straw walls in different climates
Straw is becoming a promising alternative insulation material to improve the building energy performance because of its low cost, large availability as cereal waste, its good hygrothermal properties, and its low embodied energy. The goal of this paper is to assess the hygrothermal performance of multi-layered straw walls with different boundary conditions. The study consists […]
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