Savoirs tacites et apprentissages informels
Les différentes formes de savoirs et d’apprentissage, le cas des apprentissage tacites et informels
Building Thermal-Network Models: A Comparative Analysis, Recommendations, and Perspectives
The development of smart buildings, as well as the great need for energy demand reduction, has renewed interest in building energy demand prediction. Intelligent controllers are a solution for optimizing building energy consumption while maintaining indoor comfort. The controller efficiency on the other hand, is mainly determined by the prediction of thermal behavior from building […]
SPD Siamese Neural Network for skeleton-based hand gesture recognition
This article proposes a new learning method for hand gesture recognition from 3D hand skeleton sequences. We introduce a new deep learning method based on a Siamese network of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices. We also propose to use the Contrastive Loss to improve the discriminative power of the network. Experimental results are conducted on […]
Fog-supported Low Latency Monitoring of System Disruptions in Industry 4.0: A Federated Learning Approach
In recent years, industrial alarm systems have undergone a considerable development, in terms of accuracy, complexity of their presentation and their management, and system reliability. However, alarm management systems suffer generally from the presence of poorly configured alerts, as well as numerous nuisance alarms (i.e., noise) or even alarm flooding events. This requires an immediate […]
BIM Data Flow Architecture with AR/VR Technologies: Associated Use Cases in Architecture, Engineering and Construction
The construction of a building comprises several phases and involves many stakeholders. As projects have become more and more complex, the Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology was proposed to unify projects around a Digital Twin of the information necessary for collaboration. In recent years, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have shown their relevance […]
Theoretical determination of elastic and flexural modulus for inter-ply and intra-ply hybrid composite material
In this paper a theoretical analysis for determination of elastic and flexural modulus of natural fibre reinforced hybrid composite is proposed. The proposed analytical model is based on the classical lamination approach to predict the theoretical modulus. Experimental tensile and 3-point bending tests were carried out using standard specimens of inter and intra-ply hybrid composite […]
Survey on Cooperative Perception in an Automotive Context
The idea of cooperation has been introduced to self- driving cars about a decade ago with the aim to reduce the occlusion caused by other users or the scene. More recently, the research efforts turned toward cooperative infrastructure bringing a new kind of the point of view as well as more processing power. This paper […]
Immersive virtual environments’ impact on individual and collective creativity: A review of recent research.
This paper aims to explore the recent advances in research concerning the impact of immersive virtual environments affordances on the expression of users’ creativity at individual and team levels. While the top virtual reality (VR) application areas are entertainment and gaming, simulation and training for professionals, research in the domain of the psychology of creativity […]
Apprentissage Actif combiné problèmes/projets
Cet article a pour objectif de présenter l’intérêt du déploiement d’une pédagogie active combinant l’apprentissage par problèmes et l’apprentissage par projets. Il s’appuie sur le retour d’expérience de CESI Ecole d’ingénieurs ayant développé et introduit l’A2P2 (Apprentissage Actif par Problèmes et Projets) depuis 2015 dans ses formations d’ingénieurs. Il détaille notamment la mise en oeuvre […]
Environnement capacitant
Environnement capacitant: enjeux, effets, conditions
Reuse of harbour and river dredged sediments in adobe bricks
A B S T R A C T Dredged sediments from ports and rivers are treated as waste material. The disposal of waste sediments has environmental concerns and requires financial resources. Dredged sediments reuse in building material such as adobe bricks can provide an alternate solution to valorize and handle this waste material. Adobe bricks […]
Pour une pédagogie des conditions de l’apprentissage en milieu organisationnel
Différentes manières de penser l’apprentissage dans les organisations conduisent à saisir le développement des compétences selon des perspectives qui peuvent, dans certains cas, paraître insuffisantes pour donner à voir la complexité de l’apprentissage en milieu organisationnel. De plus, elles tendent à simplifier les réalités organisationnelles. L’approche par les capabilités se présente comme une alternative plus […]
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