Multi-Objective Optimization of Active Human-Robot Collaboration: Case Study of the Aircraft Industry
In this paper, the optimization of active human-robot collaboration of an assembly line in the aerospace industry is studied. An approach based on Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) technics is applied in order to overcome different challenges such as optimizing the completion time of the job and try to reduce hard working conditions of operators
Multi-Objective Optimization for Electrical Demand Forecasting
Electrical load forecasting is a key component of energy management system, playing a critical role in power scheduling, peak reduction, and power system management. The accuracy of the load forecast has a significant effect on the efficiency of energy management systems in terms of making optimal control decisions. In this paper, our contribution is the […]
Behaviors among SMEs in terms of open innovation practices and actors involved
This paper aims to explore the existing behaviors among SMEs in terms of open innovation practices and actors involved ; type of company where it still seems difficult to implement an open innovation approach. The objective is to identify the combinations of practices and actors to open up the innovation process, in order to help […]
Evaluating the influence of interaction technology on procedural learning using Virtual Reality
Within the context of industry 4.0, this paper studies the influence of interaction technology (Vive controller and Knuckles) on manufacturing assembly procedural training using Virtual Reality. To do so, an experiment with 24 volunteers have been conducted and these participants have been separated in two groups: one using Vive controller and the other using Knuckles. […]
Semi-automatic generation of virtual reality procedural scenarios for operation in construction based on 4d building information models
In the context of digital transformations of industry, Virtual Reality based industrial training is an efficient and promising digital tool. In the construction industry, studies have been conducted on the realization of virtual reality scenarios for construction operations, but the challenges lie in procedural scenario creation based on the knowledge and digital data of the […]
Thermal and mechanical behavior of straw-based construction: A review
Bio-based materials such as straw are becoming a promising alternative to improve the building energy performance and to reduce its carbon footprint. When compared to common building construction materials, biobased materials control the temperature and the relative humidity variation to ameliorate the indoor comfort with a low embodied energy and CO2 emission. This paper presents […]
Data architecture and model design for Industry 4.0 Components integration in Cyber-Physical Production Systems
In the context of Industry 4.0, Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) and digital twins are key technologies for the management of huge amount of data generated by Industrial Internet of things (IIoT) devices. However, the interoperability and flexibility of different components is still an important challenge so as to integrate them in the process and fit […]
Gamification and social comparison processes in electronic brainstorming
Gamification can be seen as the intentional use of game design elements in non-game tasks, in order to produce psychological outcomes likely to influence behavior and/or performance. In this respect, we hypothesize that gamification would produce measurable effects on user performance; that this positive impact would be mediated by specific motivational and attentional processes such […]
Gestion et modélisation des informations interopérables du Smart Building. Cas d’étude : Démonstrateur CESI du Bâtiment du Futur
Pour atteindre les objectifs d’efficacité énergétique du bâtiment fixés par l’Union Européenne, le recours aux techniques de l’intelligence artificielle, notamment celles liées au concept du smart building, devient une nécessité. Apparu au début des années 80, ce concept permet un pilotage énergétique optimal du bâtiment, basé sur les données collectées via une couche système intelligente […]
Suivi et control de l’avancement des travaux en BIM 4D. REX et cas d’etude du Projet Nanterre 2 CESI
Le secteur de la construction a connu de nombreuses évolutions techniques et réglementaires au cours des 30 dernières années. Soucieux de l’impact de leurs projets sur l’environnement et la sécurité de leurs partenaires, les maîtres d’ouvrage sont de plus en plus exigeants pour la réalisation de leurs projets. À l’inverse, les acteurs de la construction […]
Les cryptomonnaies, défis et opportunités de la digitalisation
L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser l’effet des cryptomonnaies sur l’activité économique et l’efficacité de la politique monétaire. Il étudie aussi l’impact de ces changements sur le secteur de l’assurance. Les cryptomonnaies ne remplissent pas les trois fonctions économiques d’une véritable monnaie à savoir, une réserve de valeur, un moyen d’échange et une unité de […]
Modular mobile manipulators coalition formation through distributed transportation tasks allocation
The use of mobile manipulators for transportation tasks has provided solutions to several flexibility problems in manufacturing systems. Mobile manipulators are mobile entities equipped with robotic arm for loading and unloading of parts and an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) for their transport. In order to increase further the flexibility of these systems, the mobile manipulators […]
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