Evaluating turbulence models to predict the particle deposition in curved ducts
This study aims to evaluate the capability of eddy-viscosity and Reynolds stress models to describe the particle deposition efficiency of gas-solid turbulent flow in a square-sectioned curved duct using the Eulerian-Lagrangian approach. The air flows with a Reynolds number of 40,000 through a 90-deg bend of 0.08 m hydraulic diameter and a curvature ratio of […]
Solution d’usine modulaire de fabrication additive
L’intégration de la fabrication additive métallique requiert un aménagement adapté, intégrant les aspects hygiène et sécurité. Aussi, CESI a développé avec CAPSA Container une solution brevetée basée sur l’emploi de containers recyclés. Véritable usine autonome et modulaire aux meilleurs standards HSE, elle intègre l’ensemble des équipements nécessaires à son alimentation et fonctionnement. Le premier exemplaire […]
Explicit analysis of large transformation of a Timoshenko beam: post-buckling solution, bifurcation, and catastrophes
This paper exposes full analytical solutions of a plane, quasi-static but large transformation of a Timoshenko beam. The problem is first re-formulated in the form of a Cauchy initial value problem where load (force and moment) is prescribed at one end and kinematics (translation, rotation) at the other one. With such formalism, solutions are explicit […]
Financial literacy and individual success: Lebanese framework modeling
This paper sheds light on the role the financial literacy features may play amid other determinant factors of individual success. A survey is conducted on a random sample of households’ members, based on the individual perception as an assessment criteria of financial literacy status and career success. A non-parametric method, ctree, and a semi-parametric method, […]
Guaranteeing Information Integrity through Blockchains for Smart Cities
Given the threats that the smart city faces especially tampering the integrity of information, it has become necessary to integrate more robust and decentralized technologies that ensure transparency and sustainability of the system. Blockchain is a technology initially directed to limit the manipulation in financial transactions. One of the most popular currencies adopting this technology […]
Coverage Maximization in WSN Deployment Using Particle Swarm Optimization with Voronoi Diagram
Coverage area maximization is a crucial issue that must be considered in Wireless sensor network (WSN) deployment as long as it impacts the sensor network efficiency. In this paper, a novel approach based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) and voronoi diagram is developed to solve WSN deployment problem. The objective of the proposed solution is […]
COVID-DETECT: A Deep Learning Based Approach to Accelerate COVID-19 Detection
After two years of COVID-19 first infection and its speedy propagation, death and infection cases are till exponentially increasing. Unfortunately, during this a non-fully controlled situation, we noticed that the existing solutions for COVID-19 detection based on chest X-ray were not reliable enough in relation to the number of infected patients and the severity of […]
A Generation and Recovery Framework for Silicon PUFs based Cryptographic Key
Integrated Circuits (ICs) and electronic devices became the main part of human daily life (mobile, home, car, etc). However, for the safety of the transported information to and from these devices, some speci cs security measures should be taken. In general, ICs are a source of high randomness due to the manufacturing variation process which […]
A Low-Cost Authentication Protocol Using Arbiter-PUF
Integrated Circuits (ICs) and electronic devices become part of human daily life (mobile, home, car, etc) and for the safety of the information transported to and from this devices, some specifics security measures are proposed. Some ICs are a source of high randomness due to the manufacturing variation of integrated Circuits (ICs) and exploited as […]
De l’organisation apprenante aux environnements capacitants: du pouvoir agir au pouvoir d’agir_france stratégie
France statégie Définir les organisations apprenantes et leurs limites Ouvrir aux environnements capacitants
Multi-period optimal schedule of a multi-product pipeline: A case study in Algeria
The oil supply chain plays a vital role for both economic and social sectors in Algeria. Pipeline is the main oil transportation mode from production sites to distribution centers. However, finding the optimal schedule for a multi-product pipeline is among the most difficult optimization problems. In this article, we propose an operational schedule for a […]
Need-seeking: Creating, discovering or recovering needs?
Need-seeker approach, which orients new product development towards the satisfaction of future needs, has been recognized as one of the most efficient innovation strategies to date. But finding future needs to address remains a challenge for companies, entrepreneurs and practitioners, as they lack a methodological framework to structure their approach. In this chapter, we first […]
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