A Review on Cyber-Physical Systems: Models and Architectures
The increasing proliferation of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) in industry and academia bring researchers to work on CPS architectures and models seeking for enhancing the performance and gaining the full potential of the system. This work aims to provide a holistic view of the initiatives done during the last five years in modeling and designing CPS. […]
Urban Heat Island Causes, Consequences, and Mitigation Measures with Emphasis on Reflective and Permeable Pavements
Economic and social development of urban and rural areas continues in parallel with the increase of the human population, especially in developing countries, which leads to sustained expansion of impervious surface areas, particularly paved surfaces. The conversion of pervious surfaces to impervious surfaces significantly modifies local energy balance in urban areas and contributes to urban […]
Capacitated multiple allocation incomplete hub location problem allowing direct links between non-hub nodes
This paper addresses a flexible hub location problem in which the inter-hub network is incomplete, the allocation of non-hub nodes to hub nodes is multiple, direct links between non-hub nodes are allowed, with a limited capacity of both hubs and links. This problem has several real-world applications, in particular in air, urban and maritime transportation […]
Multi-agent Simulation to Predict Global Behavior of Population Based on Elementary Local Markovian model
New technologies based robotics and data analysis are starting to be used for the treatment of disease in horticulture field. Such autonomous systems evolving in dynamic environment need automatic operation and control based on dynamic scheduling. To do so, it is necessary to predict the behaviour of this environment to better control these autonomous systems. […]
A Two-Echelon Location Routing Problem for Bio-Waste Transportation
Technological development and urbanization have increased municipal waste generation and pollution. Recycling becomes a popular way to treat solid waste for generating energy, and therefore protecting the environment. In this paper, we propose a mixed-integer programming model to formulate and solve multi-type bio-waste transportation as a two-echelon location-routing problem. The objective is to simultaneously determine […]
Optimizing Energy-Conscious Dynamic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling: Multi-Agent Simulation Approach
Nowadays, manufacturing industry around the world is facing strong economic pressures and enormous environmental challenges due to its huge energy consumption and associated environmental impacts. One of the effective strategies to reduce energy consumption is by employing intelligent scheduling techniques. In this paper, we propose a decision making tool, based on multi-agent simulation, to address […]
Forecasting KPIs of Production Systems Using LSTM Networks
Key Performance indicators (KPIs) are the bases of management, decision support and forecasting tools of production systems. They are monitored by companies to analyze and control their manufacturing processes. KPIs allow measuring how successful is an organisation towards a set of objectives to be achieved. Moreover, accurate forecasting of KPIs allows decisions to be redirected […]
Evaluation of Dispatching Rules Performance for a DJSSP Towards their Application in Industry 4.0
Dispatching rules (DRs) are very attractive heuristics for solving complex dynamic job-shop scheduling problems. DRs advantages can be summarized in their ability to make real-time scheduling decision and their ease of implementation. Many research works have been performed to design dispatching rules and to evaluate their performance regarding the main scheduling objectives (i.e. mean flow […]
Optimal Fog-Based Architecture For Internal Logistics in Industry 4.0 Production Floor
The deployment of Industry 4.0 is based on data collection and data treatment technologies. Sensors, Internet of Things, Fog computing and Cloud computing constitute the essential infrastructure for Industry 4.0. In fact, production resources, such as machines, tools, and mobile transportation systems need a permanent connection to the monitoring system to ensure their control. Fog […]
Challenges facing the implementation of wind energy in Algeria : a review paper
All generations of renewable energy systems stepped into a huge evolution around the world. Countries with big potential of gaz and petroleum energies are finally concerned by the potential of this sector and are currently developing it. Algeria has a huge potential in fossil fuels, however, the government aim to exploit the renewable energy potential […]
Effect of Human-Robot Interaction on the Fleet Size of AIV Transporters in FMS
The execution of material handling tasks using autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs) has proven a real success during the last decade. Nevertheless, the installation of AGVs is costly as it needs to modify the workshop’s configuration by defining dedicated movement zones. Recently, more flexible and collaborative mobile robots known as autonomous intelligent robots (AIV) can be […]
Scheduling of multi product/multi-pump pipeline distribtion system
Energy transportation is a vital field in the petroleum industry. The transport using multi-product pipeline is a new but challenging technic to distribute refined products. The management of such system is the most challenging issue of these systems. This paper proposed solve this management problem using a continuous mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model for the […]
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