GoSafe: A Power-Efficient Android Application for Road Events Signaling and Notification
The lack of traffic signal intelligibility and insufficient information about road conditions is often cited as an important factor that leads to an increase of road accidents and fatalities. To overcome this problem, a number of systems have been developed in order to signal events to emergency points and designed to supply drivers with information […]
L’environnement personnel d’apprentissage, un instrument pour l’apprenance?
A partir des multiples représentations qui en sont données dans les publications se référant à différentes approches théoriques, cet article essaie de cerner ce qu’est l’objet appelé « environnement personnel d’apprentissage » (personal learning environment) et de préciser le potentiel de cet objet en tant qu’instrument pour l’apprenance, au-delà des pétitions de principe, en s’appuyant […]
Enseigner l’innovation en école d’ingénieurs
Il existe deux principaux types de processus d’innovation. L’un, positiviste, enchaîne de façon séquentielle les phases de pose du problème, de résolution créative du problème et d’évaluation des solutions [1]. Cette approche de l’innovation est implémentée notamment dans les grands groupes et l’industrie traditionnelle [2]. Pour être fiable, elle demande un fort investissement dans les […]
Designing Adaptable Virtual Reality Learning Environments
The EAST (Scientific and technical learning environments) project aims at stimulating the interest of young people for science through virtual reality environments, based on industrial assets. Although training and learning environments are classical applications of virtual reality, the design of these environments is generally ad hoc, hence requiring the intervention of programmers whenever a modification […]
Virtual environment in the early design phases: How to be more creative?
Creativity is a very important phase of the early design to generate innovative product concepts. Creativity sessions are generally made of multidisciplinary team and in one place. However, with the progress related to the development of collaborative virtual environments, it is interesting to ask what are the impacts of virtualization creativity through the use of […]
Le projet EAST: des environnements d’apprentissage scientifiques et techniques
Ce document présente le projet EAST et son déroulement. Il a été publié dans la revue éditée par Canopé à destination des enseignants, la Revue Technologie
BIM et efficacité énergétique
le livre propose un état de l’art sur le BI. Il propose des solustions d’optimisation énergétique dans le BI
PLM adoption in SMEs context
The increasing market needs and technologies evolution, push companies to develop competitive advantages based on adequate and intensive use of information technology and communication (ICT). However, SMEs do not realize the importance of ICT adoption, which becomes vital for the development, and are not always well equipped to adopt and integrate them to their activities. […]
Investigation into current industrial practices relating to product lifecycle management in a multi-nationalmanufacturing company
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems have gained growing acceptance for managing all information relating to products throughout their full lifecycle, from idea conceptualisation through operations to servicing and disposal. This paper, through an in-depth exploratory study into a leading power generation manufacturing organization, presents current PLM issues experienced by manufacturing companies, exploring three separate topics: […]
Using avatars to tailor ideation process to innovation strategy
To face innovation challenges of the twenty-first century, companies should learn from proven successful strategies and draw on technological evolutions as well. Our proposal consists in aligning ideation to innovation strategies through the use of avatars in a virtual world. On the basis of the Persona method and the Proteus effect, we design avatars’ appearance […]
Avatar-mediated creativity: When embodying inventors makes engineers more creative
An important challenge today is to support creativity while enabling geographically distant people to work together. In line with the componential theory of creativity, self-perception theory and recent research on the Proteus Effect, we investigate how avatars, which are virtual representations of the self, may be a medium for stimulating creativity. For this purpose, we […]
My vWallet – A Smartphone Application for Assisting People with Math Difficulties at Point of Sale
Due to the recent advancements in mobile technologies, the massive deployment of smartphones in the markets has become a thriving trend. These systems gained high popularity among users due to their relatively low cost and continuous expansion towards better functionalities and performance. We believe that the pervasive utilization of these systems and ease of use […]
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