Pocheco, une PME engagée dans la transition écologique
Pocheco est une petite fabrique d’enveloppes du Nord de la France que rien ne prédestinait à être pionnière dans la transformation écologique de l’industrie. Aujourd’hui, son efficacité écologique est exemplaire : autosuffisance en eau industrielle, autosuffisance en énergie renouvelable, approvisionnements non destructeurs de l’environnement, déchets triés et valorisés à 100%, perméabilité de 85% de la […]
Compétences et capabilités
Différences et points de convergence
Ikigai assessment in a western work context
The measurement of well-being is widely studied in the literature but may still benefit from a multicultural viewpoint. We present a new approach by measuring the ikigai of individuals. Ikigai is part of the Japanese philosophy of life purpose and well-being. Japanese research offers the Ikigai-9 scale (Imai, 2012) based on a three-dimensional model measuring: […]
Impliquer les managers dans le développement des compétences de leurs équipes avec l’intégration de dynamiques apprenantes: construire des environnements capacitants
Comprendre comment l’idée d’environnement capacitant revisite les modalités de management
Conception universelle, lead user et intelligence émotionnelle
L’objet de cette conférence était de présenter les résultats de notre étude portant sur l’identification des caractéristiques des lead users, à soir l’empathie et la compétence dans le domaine.
IdeAM Running Quiz: A digital learning game to enhance Additive Manufacturing opportunities discovery
This paper provides a description of IdeAM Running Quiz, a learning game aiming at enhancing Additive Manufacturing (AM) op- portunities learning. Firstly, a review of the literature on the Design and Additive Manufacturing methodologies and the educational effective- ness of learning games is presented. Then, the steps involved in the de- sign of IdeAM Running […]
Fiscal cyclicality asymmetries and public debt: New evidence from panel endogenous threshold model
The purpose of this paper is to verify the role of public debt in the fiscal cyclical response for a sample of 19 OECD countries over the period 1980-2017 using the threshold model proposed by Seo and Shine (2016). We reveal first that throughout the cycle the crossing of a threshold estimated at 85% leads […]
Analyzing Short and Long run Causality Relationship among Public Spending, Renewable Energy Consumption, Non-renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: Evidence from Eight of South Mediterranean Countries (SMCs)
This study aims to analyse the causal link in the short-run and long-run between economic growth, renewable energy, non-renewable energy and public spending in eight countries of the South Mediterranean Countries group during the 1980–2020 periods. Four steps are used: augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillip Perron unit root tests to check the order of stationarity of […]
Savoirs tacites et apprentissages informels
Les différentes formes de savoirs et d’apprentissage, le cas des apprentissage tacites et informels
Immersive virtual environments’ impact on individual and collective creativity: A review of recent research.
This paper aims to explore the recent advances in research concerning the impact of immersive virtual environments affordances on the expression of users’ creativity at individual and team levels. While the top virtual reality (VR) application areas are entertainment and gaming, simulation and training for professionals, research in the domain of the psychology of creativity […]
Environnement capacitant
Environnement capacitant: enjeux, effets, conditions
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