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Phone number : +33 5 61 00 38 41
Research team
Engineering and Numerical Tools
Educational activities
- Disciplines : Computer sciences
- Levels : 3rd and 4th years Engineering curriculum
- PhD
University of Littorale Côte d’Opale, 2020
« Contribution of digital elevation models for the enrichment of navigation maps by multi-sensor fusion ». - Engineering degree
University Antonine – Liban, 2016
Filière Computer science and telecommunications
Research interest
- Intelligent transport.
- Artificial intelligence
- Multi-sensor fusion (GPS, INS and road maps and digital elevation models).
- Particulate and Kalman filtering.
Synthesis (2016-2021)
- ACL : 1
- ACTI : 4
Selected publications
- Hiba Al-Assaad, Christophe Boucher, Ali Daher, Ahmad Shahin and Jean-Charles Noyer, «Statistical modeling of DEM data for GNSS-based navigation », MDPI, I3S-sensors 2021, soumise.
- C. Boucher, H. Al-Assaad, A. Daher, A. Shahin and J. Noyer. « DEM embedding in GNSS-based navigation using a statistical modeling», In 2020 8 st International Symposium on Sensor Science.
- H. Al-Assaad, C. Boucher, J. Noyer, A. Daher, and A. Shahin. «Estimation de l’attitude d’un véhicule à partir d’un système de fusion multi-capteurs basé sur le filtrage particulaire», Congrès National de la Recherche en IUT 2019 CNRIUT2019. Toulon les 6 et 7 Juin 2019.
- H. Al-Assaad, C. Boucher, J. Noyer, A. Daher, and A. Shahin. «Fusion of GPS/OSM/DEM data by particle filtering for vehicle attitude estimation», In 2018 21st International Conference on Information Fusion, pages 384–390, July 2018.
- K.Chaccour, H.Al Assaad, A.H el Hassani, R.Darazi and E.Andres. «Sway analysis and fall prediction method based on spatio-temporal sliding window technique», In 2016 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom).