Email :
Phone number : (+33) 6 72 55 29 85
62000 Arras CEDEX
Research team
Engineering and Numerical Tools
Research themes
- Knowledge management
- Uncertainty management / Belief function theory
- Decision support / Machine learning
- Information fusion
- Predictive maintenance
Educational activities
- Disciplines : Computer Science, Networks & Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing.
- Modules : Algorithms, Operating systems, Object-oriented programming, Computer networks, Web development, Dynamic Web, Mathematical software tools, Internet technology.
- Levels : DUT 1st and 2nd years, Licence 1st year.
- Ph.D. in Computer and Automatic Engineering, LGI2A –
Artois University, France, 2020 - PhD in Computer Science applied to Management, LARODEC
University of Tunis, Tunisia, 2020 - Master of Research in Sciences and Techniques of Business Intelligence
Institut Supérieur de Gestion - University of Tunis, Tunisia, 2017
Option Computer Science and Knowledge Management - Master's degree in Data Mining and Knowledge Management
Polytech'Nantes -University of Nantes, France., 2017
Option Knowledge Extraction from Data - Bachelor Degree in Computer Science applied to Management
Institut Supérieur de Gestion - University of Tunis, Tunisia, 2015
Ongoing research program
Collaborator in the ANR project SCOPES 2022-2025
Supervision of thesis
Planned for 2022-2025
Scientific activity and laboratory life
Member of LINEACT as « Researcher – Lecturer »
Synthesis (2017-2022)
- International journals : 2
- National journals : 1
- International conferences : 9
- National conferences : 1
Selected publications
- Ben Ayed, S., Elouedi, Z., & Lefevre., E. (2020). An Evidential Integrated Method for Maintaining Case Base and Vocabulary Containers within CBR Systems. Information Sciences, pp. 214-229.
- Ben Ayed, S., Elouedi, Z., & Lefevre., E. (2021). CIMMEP: Constrained Integrated Method for CBR Maintenance based on Evidential Policies. Applied Intelligence, pp. 1-16.
- Ben Ayed, S., Elouedi, Z., & Lefevre., E. (2019). Toward the Evaluation of Case Base Maintenance Policies Under the Belief Function Theory. In: 15th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches with Uncertainty (ECSQARU) (pp. 113-124).
- Ben Ayed, S., Elouedi, Z., & Lefevre., E. (2018). CEC-Model: A new competence model for CBR systems based on the belief function theory. In: 26th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR) (pp. 28-44).
- Ben Ayed, S., Elouedi, Z., & Lefevre., E. (2017). ECTD: Evidential Clustering and case Types Detection for case base maintenance. In: 14th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA) (pp. 1462- 1469).