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CESI Rouen
80 Avenue Edmund Halley
Rouen Madrillet Innovation
CS 10123
76808 Saint-Etienne-duRouvray

Research team

Engineering and Numerical Tools

Educational activities


  • Augmented reality and virtual reality usages in industry – Design and developing augmented reality and virtual reality application with Unity – C# - Object-Oriented programming – Algorithmic – robotics project – scientific bibliography
  • Pedagogy : Lectures, Workshop, Project-based pedagogy.
  • Levels : Engineer / Master’s degree.

  Teaching responsibilities:

  • Responsible for the design and production of content for the "3D modelling, augmented reality and virtual reality" option for IT engineers (Master 2 equivalent) - 175 hours
  • Responsible for the design of the module "Designing the robotization of the gluing process thanks to virtual reality" of the robotics project for industrial performance engineers (Master 1 equivalent) – 20 hours.
  • Design of the module "Use of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies for industry" for the maintenance option – 4 hours.


  • Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches - HDR
    CNAM, 2023
    "Towards the generalization of the XR-interfaced digital twin for industrial assistance and training: architecture, data and knowledge models, and the integration of deep learning."
  • PhD in Computer Sciences
    Rouen University, 2018
  • MASTER degree in Computer vision
    Cergy-Pontoise University, 2003
  • Engineer
    ENSEA, 2003

Research interests

Data and process Modelling for augmented reality and virtual reality applications in industry 4.0, Deep Learning, Human Computer Interaction

Current research programs

  • My research work focus on modelling data in order to author scenarios in augmented reality and virtual reality for industrial operations in order to use as a training tool or to assist workers in their complex tasks.
  • On Human Computer Interaction, my work focuses on Human Action Recognition based on Deep Learning approach in order to use it in industry for Human Robot collaboration.

Research supervision

PhD programs defended

  • K. RICHARD “Proposition d’un modèle de données basé sur les ontologies pour la scénarisation d’Environnements Virtuels ou Augmentés dans un contexte industriel”, 2022
  • M. DALLEL “Reconnaissance de gestes humains par apprentissage profond et génération de données étiquetées en réalité virtuelle”, 2023
  • B. SCHIAVI “Développement de méthodes et outils afin d’améliorer les échanges d’informations entre le BIM, les bases de connaissances métiers et les environnements virtuels ou augmentés dans les projets de construction”, 2023

PhD programs in progress

  • S. CHOUDHARY “Pose Estimation of Texture-Less Object in an Industrial Context”, 2024-
  • A. COURALLET “Édition par démonstration dans un jumeau numérique immersif de scénarios complexes prenant en compte des agents humains et autonomes dans un contexte industriel“, 2023-
  • T. BENMESSABIH “Analyse et reconnaissance du mouvement humain en continue à partir de caméras pour l’interaction humain-robot et la conception de postes de travail dans un contexte industrie 5.0”, 2023-
  • Y. FEDDOUL “Proposition d’un modèle de données basé sur les ontologies pour la scénarisation d’Environnements Virtuels ou Augmentés dans un contexte industriel.”, 2022-

Supervision of Post-docs

  • Z. YAMAK, “Interactions Homme Machine en RA/RV: Classification du sentiment de compétences par des approches d’apprentissage profond lors de sessions de formations dans un Environnement Virtuel pour l’Apprentissage Humain (EVAH)”, 2020-2022

Supervision of research engineers

  • M. LACOMBLEZ, ingénieur de recherche spécialisé en jumeau numérique interfacé en XR, 2024-
  • L. CHOCHOY, “Développement du jumeau numérique associé à des IHM en réalité virtuelle et en réalité augmentée pour le Fablab du campus de Rouen.”, 2022-2023
  • L. CHOCHOY, “Développement du jumeau numérique associé à des IHM en réalité virtuelle et en réalité augmentée pour la plateforme industrie du futur du campus de Rouen pour des usages recherche et formation.”, 2021-2022
  • T. BOUNHAR, “Ingénieur de recherche sur le projet NumeriLab.”, 2021-2022
  • A. TRIGUNAYAT, “Outil d’aide à la décision collaboratif basé sur la réalité virtuelle pour l’implantation d’atelier de production.”, 2018-2019
  • K. RICHARD, “Modèle de données pour la création d’environnement interactif en réalité virtuelle et augmentée.”, 2018-2019
  • J. HIS, “Mise en place des outils de réalité virtuelle, basée sur les modèles, dans le cadre du projet NumeriLab.”, 2019-2021

Supervision of research internships

  • Supervision of 26 internship of Master research / Engineer (L, M1, M2) on period 2015-2024



  • K. RICHARD “Proposing an ontology-based data model for authoring scenarios in Virtual Reality Training System and in augmented reality in an industrial context”
  • M. DALLEL “Human action recognition based on deep learning approach and generating labelled data in virtual reality”
  • B. SCHIAVI “Proposing methods and tools in order to improve data exchange between BIM, data knowledge base and virtual or augmented environments in construction projects”

Students supervision

  • Supervision of 11 Master / Engineer students


Synthèse (2015-2022)

  • ACL : 10
  • ASCL : 1
  • C-ACTI : 16
  • C-COM : 6

Selected publications

ACL (Articles dans des revues internationales avec comité de lecture) – 10

[ACL24b]     Kamdjou, Hugues M., David Baudry, Vincent Havard, and Samir Ouchani. ‘Resource-Constrained EXtended Reality Operated With Digital Twin in Industrial Internet of Things’. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 5 (2024): 928–50. (IF 7.9 – Q1)

[ACL24a]     T. Benmessabih, R. Slama, V. Havard, and D. Baudry, ‘Online human motion analysis in industrial context: A review’, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 131, p. 107850, May 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.engappai.2024.107850. (IF 8 – Q1)

[ACL23]       Y. Feddoul, N. Ragot, F. Duval, V. Havard, D. Baudry, and A. Assila, ‘Exploring human-machine collaboration in industry: a systematic literature review of digital twin and robotics interfaced with extended reality technologies’, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, Oct. 2023, doi: 10.1007/s00170-023-12291-3. (IF 3.4 – Q2)

[Dal23]        M. Dallel, V. Havard, Y. Dupuis, and D. Baudry, “Digital twin of an industrial workstation: A novel method of an auto-labeled data generator using virtual reality for human action recognition in the context of human–robot collaboration,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 118, p. 105655, Feb. 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.engappai.2022.105655. (IF 7.802 – Q1)

[Sch22]        B. Schiavi, V. Havard, K. Beddiar, and D. Baudry, “A VR training scenario editor for operation in construction based on BIM 4D and domain expert authoring,” Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, vol. ahead-of-print, no. ahead-of-print, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.1108/SASBE-06-2022-0125. (Q2)

[Ric21b]      K. Richard, V. Havard, J. His, and D. Baudry, “INTERVALES: INTERactive Virtual and Augmented framework for industriaL Environment and Scenarios,” Advanced Engineering Informatics, vol. 50, p. 101425, Oct. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.aei.2021.101425. (IF 7.862 – Q1)

[Sch21c]      B. Schiavi, V. Havard, K. Beddiar, and D. Baudry, “BIM data flow architecture with AR/VR technologies: Use cases in architecture, engineering and construction,” Automation in Construction, vol. 134, p. 104054, Feb. 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2021.104054. (IF 10.517 – Q1)

[Hav20b]     V. Havard, D. Baudry, B. Jeanne, A. Louis, and X. Savatier, “A use case study comparing augmented reality (AR) and electronic document-based maintenance instructions considering tasks complexity and operator competency level,” Virtual Reality, Feb. 2021, doi: 10.1007/s10055-020-00493-z. (IF 4.697 – Q1)

[Hav20a]     V. Havard, M. Sahnoun, B. Bettayeb, F. Duval, and D. Baudry, “Data architecture and model design for Industry 4.0 components integration in cyber-physical production systems,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, p. 095440542097946, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.1177/0954405420979463, (IF 2.759 – Q1)

[Hav19d]     V. Havard, B. Jeanne, M. Lacomblez, and D. Baudry, “Digital twin and virtual reality: a co-simulation environment for design and assessment of industrial workstations,” Production & Manufacturing Research, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 472–489, Jan. 2019, doi: 10.1080/21693277.2019.1660283. (Q1)

ASCL (Articles dans des revues sans comité de lecture) – 1

[Hav19c]     V. Havard and D. Baudry, “Réalité augmentée dans un contexte industriel,” Techniques de l’ingénieur, no. Ref : TIP085WEB-“Industrie du futur,” Oct. 2019, Accessed: Sep. 17, 2020. [Online]. Available:

C-ACTI (Communications avec actes dans un congrès international) – 16

[ACTI23]      V. Havard, A. Courallet, D. Baudry, and H. Delalin, ‘Digital Twin, Virtual Reality and OPCUA-based architecture for pedagogical scenarios in Manufacturing and Computer Sciences curriculum’, in Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2023), Reutlingen, May 2023. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4457032.


[Bou22]       T. Bounhar, Z. Yamak, V. Havard, and D. Baudry, “A Dataset and Methodology for Self-Efficacy Feeling Prediction During Industry 4.0 VR Activity,” in 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), New Zealand, 12 2022, pp. 176–182. doi: 10.1109/VRW55335.2022.00045.

[Dal22a]      M. Dallel, V. Havard, Y. Dupuis, and D. Baudry, “A Sliding Window Based Approach With Majority Voting for Online Human Action Recognition using Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks,” in 2022 7th International Conference on Machine Learning Technologies (ICMLT), Rome Italy, Mar. 2022, pp. 155–163. doi: 10.1145/3529399.3529425.

[Nob21]      S. Noblecourt, G. Bourgoin, V. Havard, and D. Baudry, “Evaluating the influence of interaction technology on procedural learning using Virtual Reality,” in Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Osaka Japan, Dec. 2021, pp. 1–3. doi: 10.1145/3489849.3489918.

[Ric21a]       K. Richard, V. Havard, and D. Baudry, “Authoring-By-Doing: An Event-Based Interaction Module for Virtual Reality Scenario Authoring Framework,” in Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics, Cham, 2021, pp. 519–527. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-87595-4_38..

[Sch21b]      B. Schiavi, V. Havard, K. Beddiar, and D. Baudry, “Semi-automatic generation of virtual reality procedural scenarios for operation in construction based on 4d building information models,” in Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Construction Application of Virtual Reality, 2021, pp. 104–111.

[Sch21a]     B. Schiavi, V. Havard, K. Beddiar, and D. Baudry, “VR Simulation of Operating Procedure in Construction Based on BIM and Safety Ontology: A Proof of Concept,” in Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality, vol. 13105, P. Bourdot, M. Alcañiz Raya, P. Figueroa, V. Interrante, T. W. Kuhlen, and D. Reiners, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021, pp. 126–141. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-90739-6_8.

[Bad20]       Badets, V. Havard, K. Richard, and D. Baudry, “Using collaborative VR technology for Lean Manufacturing Training: a case study,” Apr. 2020, [Online]. Available:

[Dal20]        M. Dallel, V. Havard, D. Baudry, and X. Savatier, “InHard – INdustrial Human Action Recogniton Dataset in the Context of Industrial Collaborative Robotics,” presented at the IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems, Roma, 2020. doi: 10.1109/ICHMS49158.2020.9209531

[Ass20]        Assila, T. G. Gonçalves, A. Dhouib, D. Baudry, and V. Havard, “Towards the Specification of an Integrated Measurement Model for Evaluating VR Cybersickness in Real Time,” in Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Design and Interaction, Cham, 2020, pp. 381–396, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-49695-1_25

[Hav19b]     V. Havard, A. Trigunayat, K. Richard, and D. Baudry, “Collaborative Virtual Reality Decision Tool for Planning Industrial Shop Floor Layouts,” Procedia CIRP, vol. 81, pp. 1295–1300, 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.04.016.

[Hav19a]     V. Havard, M. Sahnoun, B. Bettayeb, and D. Baudry, “An Architecture for Data Management, Visualisation and Supervision of Cyber-Physical Production Systems,” in Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXIII: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, incorporating the 34th National Conference on Manufacturing Research, 10-12 September 2019, Queen’s University, Belfast, 2019, vol. 9, p. 81, doi: 10.3233/ATDE190015.

[Lac18]        M. Lacomblez, B. Jeanne, V. Havard, and D. Baudry, “Co-Simulation Architecture Between a Digital Twin and a Virtual Reality Environment in an Industrial Context,” in Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXII: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, incorporating the 33rd National Conference on Manufacturing Research, September 11–13, 2018, University of Skövde, Sweden, Skövde, Sweden, 2018, vol. 8, p. 429, doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-902-7-429.

[Hav17]       V. Havard, B. Jeanne, X. Savatier, and D. Baudry, “Inoovas – Industrial ontology for operation in virtual and augmented scene: The architecture,” in 2017 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Apr. 2017, pp. 0300–0305, doi: 10.1109/CoDIT.2017.8102608.

[Hav16]       V. Havard, D. Baudry, X. Savatier, B. Jeanne, A. Louis, and B. Mazari, “Augmented Industrial Maintenance (AIM): A Case Study for Evaluating and Comparing with Paper and Video Media Supports,” in Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics, vol. 9768, L. T. De Paolis and A. Mongelli, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 302–320, doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-40621-3_22

[Hav15]       V. Havard, D. Baudry, A. Louis, and B. Mazari, “Augmented reality maintenance demonstrator and associated modelling,” in 2015 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), Arles, Camargue, Provence, France, Mar. 2015, pp. 329–330, doi: 10.1109/VR.2015.7223429.

C-COM (Communications orales sans actes dans un congrès international ou national) – 6

[Den18]       Y. Denais, J. His, V. Havard, and D. Baudry, “Modèle de données pour la création de scénarios d’assemblage en réalite virtuelle dans un contexte industriel,” presented at the CONFERE 2019, 2019.

[Ric18]         K. Richard, V. Havard, A. Trigunayat, and D. Baudry, “Modèle de données pour la création d’environnement interactif en réalité virtuelle et augmentée,” presented at the AFRV18, 2018.

[Hav18b]     V. Havard, K. Richard, and D. Baudry, “Etude de cas sur une maintenance complexe: comparatif entre un support tablette PDF et un support tablette en réalité augmentée,” presented at the AFRV18, 2018.

[Thi16]        O. Thiam, V. Havard, A. Louis, and D. Baudry, “Réalité augmentée projetée dédiée aux systèmes industriels complexes,” Séville, Espagne, 2017, p. 7. (best paper award)

[Ric16]         K. Richard, V. Havard, B. Jeanne, and D. Baudry, “Modélisation de maintenance en réalité augmentée,” 2016.

[Bou15]       D. Boulc’h, V. Havard, D. Baudry, A. Louis, and B. Mazari, “La réalité augmentée appliquée à la maintenance,” presented at the CONFERE, 2015.


[Hav18a]     V. Havard, “Développement de méthodes et outils basés sur la réalité augmentée et virtuelle pour l’assistance ou l’apprentissage d’opérations dans un contexte industriel,” Thèse de doctorat, 2018,

Thèse soutenues – 3

[Dal23]        M. Dallel, “Reconnaissance d’actions humaines par apprentissage profond et génération de données étiquetées basées sur le jumeau numérique de poste cobotique industriel.”, Thèse de doctorat, Normandie, 2022.

[Ric22]         K. Richard, “Proposition d’un modèle de données pour l’édition et l’exploitation d’Environnements Virtuels ou Augmentés dans un contexte industriel”, Thèse de doctorat, Paris, HESAM, 2022.:

[Sch23]        B. Schiavi, “ Modèles et outils pour l’édition et la simulation de procédures métier dans les projets de constructions couplant BIM, réalité virtuelle et bases de connaissances”, Thèse de doctorat, Paris, HESAM

Scientific animation and laboratory

  • In charge of sizing the Factory of the Future demonstrator of the individual immersive environment as part of the CESI implementation project at “Le Madrillet”, Rouen.
  • Member of the AFXR association (miXed Reality French Association)
  • Presentation of the work to industrialists in “Industry 4.0” seminars.
  • Participation in the organisation of scientific events (innovation week, science festival)