Email :
Phone number : +33 602 10 99 10
19 Av. de la Forêt de Haye Bâtiment Orion
54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy
Research team
Engineering and Numerical Tools
Educational activities
- Fields : Modeling and simulation of production systems, Computer science, Operational research.
- Modalities : Lectures, TP, TD, Active pedagogy.
- Courses : Object-oriented programming, Algorithms, Intelligent Pricing and Revenue Optimization, Modelling and Simulation of Production Systems, operations research.
- Level : Engineers 1st 2nd and 3rd years, Masters 1 and 2, 1st and 2nd years.
- PhD
University of Technology of Troyes, 2021
« Single machine semi-online scheduling for smart manufacturing » - Master degree
University of Lorraine of Metz, 2018
Industrial Systems Engineering - Engineering degree
National School of Applied Sciences (ENSA), 2018
Industrial Engineering and Logistics
Research interests
- Production scheduling
- Supply chain
- Operational research
- Optimization
PhD supervision
- J. MHANNA, « Dynamic decision model for energy flexible production scheduling integrating renewable energy sources», defense scheduled for 2026
- R. BEN CHABANE, « Green-JIT² – Just-in-Time Organization Method for Sustainable Integrated Production and Delivery Scheduling», defense scheduled for 2026
Internship supervision
- J. MHANNA, « Integration of scheduling and pricing decisions in on-demand manufacturing», 2023.
- D. El KHOUNI, « Pricing strategy for lot sizing and remanufacturing process scheduling», 2024.
Selected publications
- Nouinou, H., Arbaoui, T., & Yalaoui, A. (2024). Minimising total weighted completion time for semi-online single machine scheduling with known arrivals and bounded processing times. International Journal of Production Research, 62(6), 2272-2285.
- Mhanna, J., & Nouinou, H. (2024, February). Integration of Pricing and Production Scheduling Decisions: A Mathematical Model. In International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems.
- Nouinou, H., Asadollahi-Yazdi, E., Baret, I., Nguyen, N. Q., Terzi, M., Ouazene, Y., … & Kelly, R. (2023). Decision-making in the context of Industry 4.0: Evidence from the textile and clothing industry. Journal of cleaner production, 391, 136184.
- Caillard, S., & Nouinou, H. (2023, June). Modelling the Integrated Production Scheduling and Vehicle Routing Problem. In International Conference on Environment and Industrial Innovation (ICEII 2023).
- Nouinou, H., Arbaoui, T., Yalaoui, A. (2022). Minimizing The Total Weighted Completion Times for Semi-online Single Machine Scheduling. 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control.
- Nouinou, H., Arbaoui, T., Yalaoui A. (2021). Semi-Online Scheduling for Minimizing the Total Completion Time with Known Release Dates. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2021, vol. 54, no 1, p. 653-658.
- Nouinou, H., Roy, D., Hennequin, S. (2021). Flows Optimization of Industrial Symbiosis Based on Bi-objective Mathematical Modelling. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, vol. 14, no 1, p. 77-100.
- Nouinou, H., Arbaoui, T., Yalaoui, A. (2020). New Heuristic for Single Machine Semi-online Total Completion Time Minimization. IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 53, no 2, p. 10676-10681.
- Nouinou, H., Arbaoui, T., Yalaoui, A. (2020). Semi-online Scheduling for Minimizing the Total Completion Time: Information Value. International Conference on Optimization and Learning, p. 2
- Hennequin, S., Ho, V. T., Le Thi, H. A., Nouinou, H., Roy, D. (2019). Industrial Symbioses: Bi-objective Model and Solution Method. World Congress on Global Optimization. Springer, Cham, p. 1054-1066.
- Nouinou, H., Roy, D., Hennequin, S. (2019). Mathematical Modelling for Flows Optimization within an Industrial Symbiosis. IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 52, no 13, p. 1319-1324.