
Email :
Phone number : +33(0)786959881


Campus CESI Caen
4 Pl. de Boston,
14200 Hérouville-Saint-Clair

Campus CESI Rouen
80 avenue Edmund Halley
Rouen Madrillet
76800 Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray

Research team

Engineering and Numerical Tools

Educational activities

  • Teaching fields : Digital and embedded electronic, Microcontroller programming, System control, Sensors
  • Level : Bachelor, Master


  • PhD in Computer Vision
    University of Rouen, 2009
    "Design and development of an omnidirectional stereovision sensor : specifications, calibration for 3D reconstruction"
  • Master in Electrical Engineering
    University of Paris XI, 2003
    Master in Electrical Engineering
  • Engineering diploma
    ESIGELEC, 1999

Research interest

  • Environment perception for robotics
  • Computer vision and non-conventional vision

Current research programs

  • ROJUNACO, “RObotique et JUmeau Numérique Augmenté pour la COnstruction” (Call for Project Métropole Rouen Normandie 2023 – Recherche) – Oct. 2023 – Oct. 2025 (scientific leader CESI LINEACT)
  • FUSION, “Framework for Universal Software Integration in Open Robotics” (I-démo régionalisé) – Nov 2023 – Nov 2027 (scientific staff)
  • OASIS, “robOtics & Artificial intelligence for induStrial rIsk management in hoStile environments (Call for Project Métropole Rouen Normandie – Plateforme) – Oct. 2022 – Oct. 2024 (scientific leader CESI LINEACT)
  • COLIBRY, “COLlaborative semantic roBotics for industRY 5.0” (Call for Project Métropole Rouen Normandie 2021 – Recherche) – Feb. 2022 – Feb. 2024 (scientific leader CESI LINEACT)

PhD co-supervision

  • Y. FEDDOUL, “Apport des informations contextuelles du jumeau numérique en perception augmentée pour la robotique industrielle et la collaboration humain-robot”, defense in 2025
  • S. OUARAB, “Caractérisation des affordances d’un Système (Humain) Cyber-Physique de Production, basée sur une perception multimodale des interactions humain-système”, defense in 2026
  • S. CHOUDHARY, “Pose Estimation of Texture-Less Object in an Industrial Context”, defense in 2027


Summary (2012 – 2024)

  • ACL : 10
  • C-ACTI : 13
  • C-ACTN: 7
  • C-AFF : 1
  • C-INV : 6
  • C-COM : 1

Selected publications

  1. Feddoul, Y., Ragot, N., Duval, F. et al. Exploring human-machine collaboration in industry: a systematic literature review of digital twin and robotics interfaced with extended reality technologies. Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2023).
  2. Lecrosnier, L.; Khemmar, R.; Ragot, N.; Decoux, B.; Rossi, R.; Kefi, N. & Ertaud J-Y. (2021) Deep  Learning-Based  Object  Detection,  Localisation  and  Tracking  for  Smart  Wheelchair  Healthcare Mobility in International Journal Environmental Research and Public Health as part of the Special Issue Assistive Technologies for Children, Young People and Adults, 2021
  3. Mauri, A.; Khemmar, R.; Decoux, B.; Ragot, N.; Rossi, R. & al. (2020) Deep Learning for Real Time 3D Multi-Object Detection, Localisation, and Tracking: Application to Smart Mobility. Sensors, MDPI, 2020, 20 (2), pp.532.
  4. Hu, Y.; Sirlantzis, K.; Howells, G.; Ragot, N. & Rodriguez, P. (2016), An online background subtraction  algorithm  deployed  on  a  NAO  humanoid  robot  based monitoring  system, Robotics and Autonomous Systems 85, 37-47.
  5. Ouerghi, S.; Ragot, N.; Boutteau, R.; Savatier X. (2020), Comparative Study of a commercial tracking camera and ORB-SLAM2 for person localization. 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, February 2020, Valletta, Malte.

Scientific animation and laboratory life

Member of the expert committee of the Secure Electronic Transactions (TES) competitiveness cluster