
Email :
Phone number : +33 6 62 34 68 77


32 Avenue de Verdun
69540 Irigny

Research team

Engineering and Numerical Tools

Educational activities

  • Disciplines : Algorithms, programming (C , C++, Python, Web), computer vision, machine learning, deep learning, databases 
  • Level : Preparatory cycle, 1st and 2nd year engineers, masters


  • PhD in Computer Science
    University of Lille Nord-de-France, 2014
    «Geometric approaches for 3D human motion analysis: Application to action recognition and indexing», Doctoral School of Engineering Sciences
  • Research Master Degree in Imaging
    National School of Computer Sciences (ENSI), 2011
  • Engineering degree
    National School of Computer Science (ENSI), 2010

Research interest

  • Computer vision
  • Machine learning and Deep Learning
  • Human-Machine Interaction
  • Gesture and motion recognition
  • Facial recognition
  • Riemannian variety

Current research programs

  • Online human action recognition for collaboration and/or robot control
  • Hand gesture recognition applied in the field of AR/VR
  • Applications in Industrial and medical domains


Scientific animation and laboratory life

Member of the organizing committee :

  • 1 international conference (TAIMA 2020)
  • 1 national conference (CORESA 2012)
  • 1 day of research, innovation and creation of master
  • 1 project closing conference (webianire format)

Reviewer :

  • 3 international journals (IEEE TIP, IET CV, PR, NCAA)
  • 4 international conferences (TAIMA2020, DICTA2019, ICPR 2016, EUSIPCO2015)


  • 8 journal papers published
  • 2 journal papers submitted
  • 3 journal papers in preparation
  • 16 conference papers with peer review
  • 4 presentations at national conferences
  • 1 doctoral thesis
  • 1 master’s thesis
  • 1 final project report

Selected publications

  • Kammoun, R. Slama, H. Tabia, T. OUNI, M. Abid “Generative Adversarial Networks for face generation: A survey”, ACM Survets 2021 (soumis).
  • MS. Akremi, R. Slama, Hedi Tabia “SPD Siamese Neural Network for skeleton-based hand gestureRecognition”, ICONIP 2021 (soumis)
  • R. Slama, H. Wannous and M. Daoudi, “Accurate 3D action recognition using learning on the Grassmann manifold”, Pattern recognition (PR) 48(2), p556-567 (2015).
  • R. Slama, H. Wannous and M. Daoudi, “3D Human Motion Analysis Framework for Shape Similarity and Retrieval”, Image and Vision Computing Journal (IVC) 32(2), p131-154 (2014).
  • H. Drira, B. BenAmor, A. Srivastava, M. Daoudi and R. Slama, “3D Face Recognition under Expressions, Occlusions, and Pose Variations”, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. (PAMI) 35(9), p2270-2283 (2013).
  • R. Slama, H. Wannous and M. Daoudi, “Grassmannian Representation of Motion Depth for 3D Human Gesture and Action Recognition”, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), p3499-3504 (2014).
  • R. Slama, H. Wannous and M. Daoudi, “3D Human Video Retrieval: from Pose to Motion Matching”, Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR), p33-40 (2013).
  • R. Slama, H. Wannous and M. Daoudi, “Extremal human curves: A new human body shape and pose descriptor”, IEEE Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), p1-6 (2013).