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  • Evolution within the maturity concept of BIM

    Many construction companies in France are rather shy today to the adoption of BIM because the process is not sufficiently understood. Companies therefore need effective support to ensure their transition in digital. The success of this transformation is strongly related to the level of maturity of the companies in the deployment of BIM. It is […]

  • CIFRE PhD project funded by SNCF

    CIFRE PhD project funded by SNCF

    In the context of the Roborics-by-Design Lab coordinated by Strate Ecole de Design, and in partnership with SNCF, we aim to address human-robot collaboration with a new angle.

  • Mathematical model for dynamic suppliers’ selection strategy in multi-period supply planning with lead-times uncertainty

    In the supply planning, the management of uncertainties is the most difficult task but becomes increasingly important in the constantly changing business environment. In literature, most paper examine the uncertainty demand under the assumption of the constant order lead-times. However, lead-time is rarely constant in real time because of unpredictable events in the supply system […]

  • Modèle de données pour la création de scénarios d’assemblage en réalite virtuelle dans un contexte industriel

    Dans le contexte de l’industrie 4.0 et de l’usine numérique, le jumeau numérique et la réalité virtuelle (RV) représentent des technologies clés pour concevoir, simuler des systèmes et former sur ces systèmes [1]. L’intégration de ces nouveaux outils d’analyse et de ces nouvelles interfaces homme machine devient nécessaire pour répondre rapidement à l’évolution de la […]

  • To embrace career decision making in STEM education

    Choosing a career is often a challenge, especially in new professional contexts, as seen today with the fourth industrial revolution for students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths). Students require not only technical and academic skills but also skills in making decisions in complex situations and environments. Higher and Vocational Education students in STEM […]


    Maintenance management is one of the most critical tasks in industry. It is generally carried by maintenance technicians and engineers that monitor the health status of a production equipment using failure detection systems. These systems merges several senors data collected from PLCs in order to detect a possible deviation from natural behavior of the production […]

  • On the improvement of thermal comfort in indoor spaces conditioned by split-type systems

    Conventional on/off-based control split-type appliances are widely used in classrooms and offices, in Brazil and in many other countries, due to their low cost and ease of installation. However, occupants often complain about thermal discomfort depending on their position within the conditioned space, especially in positions that are directly affected by the draft, since those […]

  • Influence du taux de liège et de la température sur la conductivité thermique du béton

    Le présent travail vise à présenter une étude expérimentale à propos de l’évaluation de l’influence du taux de liège et de la température sur la conductivité thermique du béton de liège. Trois différents pourcentages du liège (8, 16 et 25%) ainsi que trois différentes températures (10, 23 et 40°C) ont été utilisés. Les bétons testés […]

  • Single Crystalline-like and Nanostructured TiO2 Photoanodes for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Synthesized by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering at Glancing Angle

    The control of the surface area enhancement and the ordering of the mesoporous photoanode is one of the key parameters to overcome the current limits of performance of dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). These parameters are expected to improve both the concentration of adsorbed dye molecules on the photoanode and the charge collection. In this […]

  • Exact method for single vessel and multiple quay cranes to solve scheduling problem at port of Tripoli-Lebanon

    This paper discusses the Quay Crane Scheduling Problem (QCSP) at port of Tripoli – Lebanon, determines the unloading/loading sequences of bays for quay cranes assigned to a single container vessel, provides a mixed integer programming model for the quay crane scheduling problem and proposes a dynamic programming algorithm to solve the QCSP. The objective of […]

  • Mechanical and thermal characterization of a beet pulp-starch composite for building applications

    This work shows the making of a new bio-based material for building insulation from sugar beet pulp and potato starch. The material is both lightweight and ecofriendly. The influence of starch/ sugar beet pulp ratio (S/BP) is studied. Four binder mass dosages are considered, 10, 20, 30 and 40% (relative to the beet pulp). Samples […]

  • Indoor geolocation based on earth magnetic field

    —One of the most recent and popular tourism application is the virtual visits (virtual tour guide) which are based on Augmented/Virtual Reality technology (AR/VR). Such systems suffer from the lack of precise indoor geolocation of visitors within the cultural heritage site. This issue can be resolved by using smartphone (and tablets) embedded sensors, which can […]


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