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  • CIFRE PhD project funded by Tactile Studio

    CIFRE PhD project funded by Tactile Studio

    Tactile Studio creative agency designing products accessible to all. Tactile Studio works woth LINEACT CESI through Andréa Boisadan’s PhD project (2015-2018), which fosters on universal design as a source of foresight and innovation.

  • CIFRE PhD project funded by SBT Human(s) Matter

    CIFRE PhD project funded by SBT Human(s) Matter

    In the framework of its management and business strategy consulting activities, SBT works with LINEACT CESI through Milija Simlesa’s PhD project (2015-2018).


    Dans cet article nous présentons un framework (modèle) de collecte, stockage/gestion, analyse et visualisation des données visiteurs. Le modèle proposée repose sur la technologie No-SQL dédiée au stockage et gestion des données non-structurées (données spatio-temporelles, texte, etc.). D’un autre côté, nous allons, dans la version finale de l’article, intégrer une composante MapReduce afin de permettre […]

  • Optimization of Robotized Tasks for the UV-C Treatment of Diseases in Horticulture

    Robots are used in several economic fields such as industry, hospitalization and agriculture. This latter, knows a real revolution concerning the robotization of its tasks because of their painfulness and/or dangerousness for humans as well as the desertion of human worker from the agricultural sector. Several research works interested to agricultural robots, aim to optimize […]

  • InnovENT-E


    InnovENT-E aims at training high level Talents and at developing competencies of staff meeting the specificities of innovating SMEs export-oriented and internationally looking.

  • Evolution of real contact area under shear and the value of static friction of soft materials

    The frictional properties of a rough contact interface are controlled by its area of real contact, the dynamical variations of which underlie our modern understanding of the ubiquitous rate-and-state friction law. In particular, the real contact area is proportional to the normal load, slowly increases at rest through aging, and drops at slip inception. Here, […]

  • Distinct and combined effects of disciplinary composition and methodological support on design problem solving in groups.

    Several reasons for the use of multidisciplinary teams composed of individuals with natural sci- ence and engineering background in problem‐solving processes exist. The most important are the integration of science‐based technologies into products and processes, and benefits for the problem‐solving process thanks to new knowledge and new perspectives on problems. In this study we analyse […]

  • Proposition of assessment model for open innovation adoption in SMEs

    For SMEs, it is difficult to access to the resources needed for innovation. Also, developing collaboration between SMEs and various entities has become indispensable for SMEs. The concept of open innovation emphasizes the importance of resources from inside and outside the firm boundaries in the aim to capture and create value (Chesbrough, 2006). However, OI […]

  • Studying CESI’s Engineer competencies development

    Studying CESI’s Engineer competencies development

    The Direction of CESI Ecole d’ingénieurs initiated this research programme to answer a question raised by the Accreditation Board (Commission du Titre d’ingénieurs): what are the competencies really developed through CESI’s curricula in Engineering?

  • Job surveys in the Training sector

    Job surveys in the Training sector

    In different publications, we have made the hypothesis that the pedagogy, as well as the form of relationship between learners and support staff within a learning environment depend at the same time on value systems, professional identities, organisational rules…

  • Activity analysis in a PBL session

    Activity analysis in a PBL session

    When this project started, CESI had already been using the PBL (Problem-Based Learning) Approach since 2004 as the unique approach in the Computer Sciences curricula of eXia, and decided to experiment this approach to teach Physics.

  • Teaching Physics differently

    Teaching Physics differently

    To compensate for the lack of interest for courses in STEMS, observed in students, CESI Ecole d’Ingénieurs decided in 2010 to experiment on a large scale a whole course using the PBL (Problem-Based Learning) approach.


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