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  • Integration of Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality with Building Information Modeling: A Systematic Review

    Thanks to the digital revolution, the construction industry has seen a recognizable evolution, where the world has been heading towards modern constructions based on the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM). This evolution was marked by the integration of this paradigm with immersive technologies like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). […]

  • Functional and Dysfunctional modelling and assessment of an Emergency Responce Plan

    The objective of crisis management is to limit the impact of a feared event that has occurred and to restore the conditions corresponding to a nominal situation. In this context, we will focus on emergency response plans for mass casualty crises. In this paper, we propose a functional modelling of the French generic emergency plan, […]

  • PhD project funded by EDF

    PhD project funded by EDF

    Need for competence is one of the three basic psychological needs, according to self-determination theory. In order to better meet this need and thereby contribute to both industrial performance and well-being at work, we develop a transformational approach of skill management with experimental teams from EDF Nuclear Generation Division.

  • End of CoRoT project


    End of CoRoT project

    Collaborative robots are increasingly operating in advanced production systems to complete various types of tasks. Such as transporting materials, loading and unloading parts on machines and handling parts within the production factories, which are often repetitive and low added-value.Therefore, it is natural and in sometimes even necessary, to automate them.

  • A Sliding Window Based Approach With Majority Voting for Online Human Action Recognition using Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks

    Nowadays, Human Action Recognition (HAR) has become an important issue since it is widely used in video surveillance, humanrobot collaboration in industry, etc. Developing such accurate and efficient algorithms remains a difficult task because of the high variability of the human shapes, postures, as well as the complexity of their movements but more importantly when […]

  • Hygrothermal performance of multilayer straw walls in different climates

    Straw is becoming a promising alternative insulation material to improve the building energy performance because of its low cost, large availability as cereal waste, its good hygrothermal properties, and its low embodied energy. The goal of this paper is to assess the hygrothermal performance of multi-layered straw walls with different boundary conditions. The study consists […]

  • Gamification and social comparison processes in electronic brainstorming

    Gamification can be seen as the intentional use of game design elements in non-game tasks, in order to produce psychological outcomes likely to influence behavior and/or performance. In this respect, we hypothesize that gamification would produce measurable effects on user performance; that this positive impact would be mediated by specific motivational and attentional processes such […]

  • Multi-Agent Simulation for Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling ProblemWith Traffic-Aware Routing

    This paper addresses the Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (FJSSP) with transportation tasks between processing machines ensured by Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs). It aims to study the effect of two operational constraints, usually neglected in literature, namely the traffic interactions between AGVs and loading/unloading operations. A multi-agent simulator is developed to simulate and analyse the […]

  • Mobile relays for urban rail transportation systems

    Assuring an uninterrupted high Quality of Service (QoS) of railway communications between on-board terminals and base stations creates challenges for the provider. This is partly explained by the inherent mobility and the high penetration loss of carriages. Deploying mobile relays in public transportation is possible with a 100%-compatible LTE/EPC architecture. This effectively ensures that the […]

  • INTERVALES: INTERactive Virtual and Augmented framework for industriaL Environment and Scenarios

    One of Industry 4.0’s greatest challenges for companies is the digitization of their processes and the integration of new related technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), which can be used for training purposes, design, or assistance during industrial operations. Moreover, recent results and industrial proofs of concept show that these technologies […]

  • What is the role of ethics in accreditation guidelines for engineering programmes in Europe?

    / The author list has been arranged in alphabetical order to reflect the equal contribution to the study design, data / The Washington Accord emphasises the role of ethical and societal considerations in the practice of engineering. Increasingly, national accrediting bodies are also expecting to see evidence in the delivery and assessment of ethics throughout […]

  • CESI is putting in place six research grants for PhD thesis


    CESI is putting in place six research grants for PhD thesis

    As part of the development of its activities, CESI is putting in place six research grants for PhD thesis to start at the beginning of the 2021 academic year.


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