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    • Conference
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Authoring-By-Doing: An Event-Based Interaction Module for Virtual Reality Scenario Authoring Framework

    Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have already shown their advantages in industrial use during these last years. Nevertheless, the authoring and editing process of virtual and augmented contents are still time-consuming and even more for complex industrial scenarios. Therefore, it is important to simplify the authoring process. For this purpose, we are working […]

    • Paper
    • Learning and Innovating
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Towards a reliable smart city through formal verification and network analysis

    With the immense increase of population density, many challenges facing organizations and governments. Thus, it has become mandatory to turn up our cities to be intelligent by introducing IoT and smart grids to build smart buildings, smart communication technologies, smart healthcare systems, smart transportation, etc. Smart cities guarantee the healthy living of indoor inhabitants by […]

    • Conference
    • Learning and Innovating

    What is the role of ethics in accreditation guidelines for engineering programmes in Europe?

    / The author list has been arranged in alphabetical order to reflect the equal contribution to the study design, data / The Washington Accord emphasises the role of ethical and societal considerations in the practice of engineering. Increasingly, national accrediting bodies are also expecting to see evidence in the delivery and assessment of ethics throughout […]

    • Conference
    • Learning and Innovating

    Analysis and optimization of the pharmaceutical distribution chain of NIGAPHARM company:A case study in Algeria

    Pharmaceutical distribution chain represents one of the most difficult distribution chains to manage. It is made up of several intermediate links that must interact in order to satisfy customer demands. The system under study represents a real world case in Algeria; we noticed that the circuits used by delivery’s vehicles are not optimal after analyzing […]

    • Conference
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Towards a Foundation of a Mutual Authentication Protocol for a Robust and Resilient PUF-Based Communication Network

    Nowadays the resiliency is the main property in any system especially communication infrastructures. Unfortunately, many developers are working on making programs more resilient and reliable, facing people who want to use leaks in an unethical way, and breaking (or trying to break) largely used one-way functions such as MD5, SHA-1, or RSA based algorithms. As […]

    • Conference
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    Multi-period Multi-sourcing Supply Planning with Stochastic Lead-times, Quantity-dependent Pricing, and Delivery Flexibility Costs

    This work studies the problem of multi-period multi-sourcing supply planning with stochastic lead-times, quantity-dependent pricing, and delivery flexibility costs. We present a problem formulation that takes also into account holding and backlog costs and finite capacities of suppliers. The objective is to minimize the expected total cost while respecting suppliers’ capacity constraints and satisfying customer […]

    • Scientific book chapter
    • Learning and Innovating

    Usages futurs et innovation

    La définition de l’innovation repose sur deux composantes : – L’invention, ou mise au point d’une solution nouvelle : nouveau produit (bien ou service), nouveau procédé, nouvelle organisation ou nouveau mode de commercialisation. La solution peut être nouvelle pour le monde, ou simplement nouvelle pour le marché ou l’entreprise cible. – L’adoption, qui requiert que […]

    • Scientific book chapter
    • Learning and Innovating

    Design de service

    L’Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques définit les services comme des activités immatérielles produites et consommées simultanément, qui modifient l’état (physique, psychologique, etc.) des utilisateurs. La participation des utilisateurs en termes de temps, de disponibilité, d’attention, de transmission d’informations ou d’effort est souvent nécessaire à la mise en oeuvre des services qui sont en […]

    • Paper
    • CESI - Hors LINEACT

    Assessment of the effect of fiber percentage in glass fiber reinforced slag-based geopolymer

    Fibers can increase the ductility of geopolymer materials, acting as reinforcements to improve mechanical properties. These improvements depend on fiber content and quantity. This study evaluates the impacts of different percentages of glass fiber on a GBFS (ground blast furnace slag) geopolymer matrix. The glass fibers were used on the critical length of 20 mm, […]

    • Paper
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    A security policy hardening framework for Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems

    Modern systems are heterogeneous inter-operating subsystems of different aspects that can be physical, technical, cybernetics, and even social like agent operators in smart grids or smart transportations. With the social dimension, we name these systems by Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems (SCPS). However, ensuring safety, correctness, and security against attacks that can be either technical or socio-technical based […]

    • Paper

    Recent advances in thermophysical properties enhancement of phase change materials for thermal energy storage

    Phase change materials (PCM) are promising technology to store thermal energy at a constant temperature. A large amount of energy can be stored or released in latent heat form during the transition of material from one phase to another. Despite the great benefits, most PCMs have their own limitations i.e., low phase change enthalpy, poor […]

    • Paper
    • Engineering and Numerical Tools

    BIM-Based Digital Twin and XR Devices to Improve Maintenance Procedures in Smart Buildings: A Literature Review

    In recent years, the use of digital twins (DT) to improve maintenance procedures has increased in various industrial sectors (e.g., manufacturing, energy industry, aerospace) but is more limited in the construction industry. However, the operation and maintenance (O&M) phase of a building’s life cycle is the most expensive. Smart buildings already use BIM (Building Information […]


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