CESI Research Director
Email :
Tour PB 5 - 1 avenue du Général de Gaulle
92074 Paris La Défense - France
Research team
Engineering and Numerical Tools
Research themes
- Perception and mapping for cyber-physical systems.
- Intelligent systems for the mobility of goods and people.
Educational activities
- Topics : Machine Learning, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence
- Degree : Engineering Program, Master of Science.
University of Rouen Normandy, 2019
« Contribution to traffic monitoring » - Doctorat
University of Rouen Normandy, 2012
« Elements of omnidirectional vision for biometrics at a distance » - Diplôme d’Ingénieurs
MSc Electrical Engineering, Union Graduate College, USA
Research interest
- Perception and instrumentation for cyber physical systems.
- Robotics and Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Ongoing program responsibilities
- Scientific coordinator and sponsor of the France 2030 CAIRE project – AMI CMA Filière IA 2024-2029.
- Scientific coordinator and sponsor of the ASTRID Robotics SCOPES project 2022-2025.
- CESI coordinator of the France 2030 Ecole de la Batterie project – AMI CMA Filière Batterie 2022-2027.
- CESI coordinator of the France 2030 ConfluencES – ExcellenceS 2024-2032 project.
PhD Thesis Direction
Theses in progress
- S. OUARAB « Affordance in Safe Human-Robot Interactions based on Multimodal Perception for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems», defense expected in 2027.
- S. CHOUDHARY, “Estimation de pose d’objets faiblement texturés dans un contexte industriel”, defense expected in 2027.
- A. KERMALI, “Prediction of university students’ mobility needs based on reinforcement learning within a dynamic multimodal system”, defense due in 2026.
- H. OLLEIK, “Coupling visual and proprioceptive odometry for mapping self-calibrated heterogeneous carriers in a dynamic and complex GPS-free environment”, defense scheduled for 2026.
- J. BURGALAT, “Optimisation d’un système de transport par méthodes numériques dans un contexte de ville intelligente et durable”, defense expected in 2025.
- T. KOFFI, “Vers une approche multimodale en utilisant l’apprentissage automatique/profond : application pour le suivi de patients dans un espace connecté”, defense expected in 2025.
- S. EL GHORBI, “Performance of Multi-hop Wireless Networks in Maritime Environments”, defense expected in 2025.
- A. ACHOUR, “Real-time semantic mapping via data fusion from individual perceptions of a swarm of mobile robots in a human-robot industrial context”, defense expected in 2024.
Defended theses
- A. CAILLOT, “Embedded-debarked collaboration for extended perception”, defended in 2022.
- A. QUENTEL, “A scanning LiDAR for long range detection and tracking of UAVs”, defended in 2021.
Synthesis (2019-2023)
- Journal papers : 12
- Conference communications : 13
Selected publications
- Caillot, A., Ouerghi, S., Dupuis, Y., Vasseur, P., & Boutteau, R. (2024). Multi-Agent Cooperative Camera-Based Semantic Grid Generation. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 110(2), 64.
- Vauchey, V., Dupuis, Y., Merriaux, P., & Savatier, X. (2023). Particle filter meets hybrid octrees: an octree-based ground vehicle localization approach without learning. Applied Intelligence, 53(23), 27982-27997.
- El Jurdi, R., Sekkat, A. R., Dupuis, Y., Vasseur, P., & Honeine, P. (2023). Fully residual Unet-based semantic segmentation of automotive fisheye images: a comparison of rectangular and deformable convolutions. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-23.
- Dallel, M., Havard, V., Dupuis, Y., & Baudry, D. (2023). Digital twin of an industrial workstation: A novel method of an auto-labeled data generator using virtual reality for human action recognition in the context of human–robot collaboration. Engineering applications of artificial intelligence, 118, 105655.
- Venon, A., Dupuis, Y., Vasseur, P., & Merriaux, P. (2022). Millimeter wave fmcw radars for perception, recognition and localization in automotive applications: A survey. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 7(3), 533-555.