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  • Optimized Sink node Deployment in WSN Using Genetic Algorithms through Coverage and Cost Constraints

    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is the main infrastructure of a smart building. An optimal installation of a WSN is needed to ensure the best operating of the smart building. WSN suffer from a multitude of constraints, the major ones are: (1) optimal coverage (to ensure best QoS), (2) deployment cost (installation cost), and (3) network […]

  • Learning, qualifying, certificating Environment

    Learning, qualifying, certificating Environment

    This project dealt with the training of managers of the French Post Office (La Poste).

  • Flexible Job Shop Models for Solving Scheduling and Layout Problems Using Coloured Petri Nets

    In this paper we propose models for solving both the layout manufacturing problems and the scheduling manufacturing systems. These models are based on Coloured petri Nets. The particularity of our models is the possibility to include complex programmable functions inside the petri nets models. In our case the programming language is SML/NJ. The advantage of […]

  • Using Dynamic Task Level Redundancy for OpenMP Fault Tolerance

    Obtaining fault tolerant applications and systems is one of today’s most important topics of research. Fault tolerance is becoming more and more essential in shared memory parallel programs and in multi/many core architectures due to the decreasing size of transistors and growing number of failures. Very few research works and techniques for fault tolerant OpenMP […]

  • OpenMP Transient-Fault Tolerance via Tasks Redundancy on Multi and Many Core Architectures

    The increasing need to secure the execution of critical em- bedded applications has fostered the focus on the growing number of failures in today’s systems due to transient faults. Hence, the need for fault tolerant systems and applications is becoming more and more important. Shared memory parallel programs on multi/many core architectures are now widely […]

  • CO-SImulation Trace Analysis (COSITA) tool for vehicle electronic architecture diagnosability analysis

    In this paper we present a CO-SImulation Trace Analysis (COSITA) tool in order to analyze functional/architectural properties, in the automotive field. These properties should enhance a specific design requirement that we call functional/architectural diagnosability. The validation process is applied on a real automotive experimental embedded platform called DIAFORE based on several Electronic Control Units. In […]

  • Speech transcription for Embodied Conversational Agent animation

    This article investigates speech transcription within a framework of Embodied Conversational Agent (ECA) animation by voice. The idea is to detect some pronounced expressions/keywords in order to animate automatically the face and the body of an avatar. Extensibility, speed and precision are the main constraints of this interactive application. So after defining the set of […]


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